Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

1706. MR, THOMAS BOSTON. 149 1 elfo ; the other, by fome other of theheritors, the elders, and other inhabitantsof the parifh aforefaid. That was abufinefs which I think I neither hoped nor feared. The fynod waved determining in the competition, but recommended to the parties to agree to one of the minifters called and if that could not be obtained, to force third perfon. Meanwhile my health was fo broken, that I looked rather like one to be tranfported into the other world, than into another parifh. At the firfl: meeting of our prefbytery after the fynod, none of the prefbytery of Selkirk appearing, at ohr inftance the call to Etterick was declared fallen from. At the fóllowing meeting one did appear to purfue it ; but his commifilon was fo informal, that it was not fuftained. Only our prefbytery declared, that, if they would afk the fynod's advice at their meeting in.Odtòber, they would net reclaim. Thus Providence flayed off the commencing of that procefs, while it flood upon a footing on which it cold never have been rendered efl"eótual, About the beginning'of 11ay, I Was vehemently importuned to affift at Ednam facrament. I could get no clearnefs to yield, in regard of the flumbling'I thought it might give to thole of the Earl ofRoxburgh's party'in Kelfo; fearing it might be looked on as a fomenting of the divifion in that parifh. However, I yielded to go thither on the Thurfday, and preach that day, if no better might be. There I was, by their importunity, put on a moll violent rack. However, Providence diverted them from urging me to preach that day, on a defign to engage me to aflIft the following days. And after I dine, I was more averfe from preaching that day than before I came. The tnbre I heard the fermons, the greater weremyinclinations tobe at that facrament the more 1 prayed, the lefs I faw it to be my duty : wherefore being fully cleared, I was peremptory for going home. And by the Lord's unexpected providing inftruments there, and his deal- ing with me at home, I faw more and more it was of the Lord. Louver yet loft (Co far as I remember) by that which force account nicenefs, in not going to facraments, when I thoughti was called to flay at home. And this has oftener than once been my trial, and ground of refle&ions on me to others, who looked on it with an evil eye. June 23. This day being very warm, I was helped to pray to the Lord to keep the hearers from flecping. I was heard, fb as I could not but obferve it. In the prayer before the afternoon's fermon I was helped more than ordinary, and in the fermon there appeared a more than ordinaryframe on the people; which when I perceived toabide with them, and that my frame was like to go awayfromme, I left off. The fiabjett was, That no unworthi- nefs, finfilnefs, &c. could be a= jufthindrance of the foul's coming to Chrift. When the Lord minds a mercyto a people, he helps them beforehand to pray for it. ° At the t meeting of the fynod in Oääober, the prefbyteryof