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1707. MR THOMAS BOSTON. 165 bodily indifpofition. {Nota, That which was feared was a con- furnption.] But hereby, in-fad experience, I learned not to fhift that which otherwife appears duty, upon the account of bodily weaknefs and indifpofition, but to be at the Lord's difpofal, and hold even on the way,, trusting him for ftrength for his own fervice. -"After family-worship, I came to my clofet again, and fell to work. And at that time, after prayer, I read over the above account of the difpen(ations of Providence in that bufinefs, and in the fight of the Lord, as I could, communed with my own heart concerning the two aforefaid queftions, and was anfwered as above faid. Feb., 24. Monday. On Saturday IA gave myfelf for a while to prayer, efpecially with refpeót to the bufinefs of Etterick, and I found my heart ready for prayer, and defirous of it, having laid no reftraint on myself as to time or continuance in that exer- e;ife. This I did, because the laft day I found my heart im- patient fometimes under the view of continuing clofely for fuch a time.. This day alib I fpent fume time in prayer, and think- ing on that bufinefs, in order to corne to a fixed refolution and determination as to what is my duty. The time ofthe fynod's meeting being now very near, obliged me to fet this time apart for the end foretold. Wherefore, after ferious applications to the throne of grace, for light, and determination of duty from the Lord, I took a view of thole thingsnoted, Dec. 31 and as to the prefbyterial call. Andas to the latter, I fee, not how it could have been commenced in a more cleanly way for me ; and it agrees very well with the chain of the after difpenfations. As to our prefbytery's forgetting the day, I further remark, that it was neceffary to bring the bufinefs to fó low an ebb as it carne to at length. As to my straitening while in Etterick, it was a time of ftraitening to others concerned for me, and fo the whole was of a piece. And when I was udder an invitation to go hack to Etterick again, I was convinced, that no lirefs could be laid on my enlargement in preaching; lb that though I had been, when there'again, enlarged, it would not have taken away my fcruple, or determined me. And this in the mean time anfwered the cafe of my ftraitening As to the weaknefs of the prelbytery's r'eafons, I could no wife account for it. As for my going out of and returning to the pulpit of Simprin, and the (criptures I was led to both times, thefe Teem to leave it in cequilibrio. [Nota, I think, if I had laid, there feemed to càll me to make hafte in my work there, as having but little time more it had been no un- reafonable conftruótion of Providence. And the other part, to wit, thole fcriptures I was led to, feem not to have been without defign this way, though the Union was the occafion of my pitch- ingon both of them.] The Taft was the feal ofdifpenfations crofs to it, which was loon removed. Whatever corne of my health after this, my indifpofition has not been fo violent this feafon as it was laft year. The afpect of the laft facrament, and the