Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

1707. MR. THOMAS BOSTON. 173 for what ufe he has made of me there. This'was very ufeful to me in this matter, in rèfpeót of the ftraitfome were in, by reafon of my being fome way ufeful in this country. Thefe things ftruck at the bottoni of my prefent uneafinefs. Yefterday I received advice of two brethren, concerning the management of the vifit to Sir Francis Scot. I remarked this day, how the Lord had helpedme to pray, that they might be dire&ed to advife me right ; and they advifed me in a point which I did not forefee, but was very neceffary, and the miffing whereof might have done harm. And now my uneafinefs is gone, and I can plead, that the Lord bath fent me thither. And, even in the timeof this uneafinefs, I could freely pray, notwithftanding, thatthe Lord would be with me there. March 17. This day having an occafion to fee an ettra& outg of the pretbytery-bookof Selkirk, bearing, That Mr Hugh Craig having delievered the prefbytery's letters to Sir Francis Scot, he Teemed not averfe to Mr Bofton's being fettled minifter at Etterick, withwhich Mr William Scot and Drummelzier complied: That the faid Sir Francis told him, that he had written to Tufhilaw to obje& against the ferving of Mr Bolton's ediót ; but now, after fecond thoughts, would write contrary orders ; and promifed to caufe repair the kirk, and build the manse and office-houfes, as good and convenient to dwell in, as any country- mante in the bounds. I noticed the date of this, and found it to be of the .5th of December. Now the diet appointed by the fÿnod, and forgot by our prefbytery, was on the 3d of December ; fo that thismif= take of our prefbytery gave them that material advantage to their caufe, which I could not but notice as a particular deGgn of Pro- vidence. March 20. or 21. I went to fee Janet Currie, who for forne time has been fick ; and this day the told me, but not before,; though I faw her before ona fick-bed, that it was trouble of mind that made her fo. Yet the kept up the particular from me, till I guetfed it to be blafphemous thoughts. I fpoke to her cafe as the Lord was pleated to help, and particularly defired that the might not be idle, but work with her hands. She came to my houfe on the morrow, and was abroad last Lord's day, being better. March 30. Now it appears what was the Lord's defign by this March 9. parag. 2. Troubles have come very thick on me.. Ifábel Ridpath, the belt of my fervants, is like to be taken from me, wheuoI am to go to a ftrange place. On Tuefday lait, there came an officer of the army, andanother man with a theriff s war- rant, to take my fervan.t-lad for a thief, to carry him to Flanders. Some time before, I durft not fend the lad abroad, left he Ihould have been preffed; and. almoft every night fince, we have been afraid of attempts on our houfe by thefe men. My wife and my fon were the worfeof the fright that this oceafioned, while fearch.