1710. MR THOMAS BOSTON. 9,oú me, it fell in our ordinary to tug -Pfal.xxxviii. 10. -13. And this day it met me again very,feafottahly. Adoro plenitudinemfcripturce. Feb. 4. My heart had fcarce conceived ere my tongue began to exprefs tome regret in the forefaid particular; but through grace my tongue was filenced, ere it had gotfettle made ofwhat It had -begun to fay. And it was no fmall joy to me to fee my corrupt felt deprived of that fatìsfaciion, and the wilful will balked of its will. .Feb. 7. Tuefday. This night I had one of the molt doleful times I ever had in my life, by, reafbn of,tlte fame trial aforefaid. The ftruggle with my own will was molt dreadful, fo that I was like to fink under it, and fay, There is Sao hope, while it lay on meas a giant bearing down a little child. I laid dewn my refblu- tion however always to go to God with it again, as it renewed its defperate.attacks on me.; and fo I did, and found fonte eafe that way : though fometitnes both heart and hand were taken from me in this combat, and I was almoft fwallowed up in defpair. 1. felt the power of the- bands of wickednefs. The firft cafe I got was, that it was fuggefted to me in prayer; that it might be God was letting me fall fo low before the viétory, that I might fee it, when it came, entirely due to his grace. In our ordinary that night we fang Pfal. xl. where that word, ver. 16. " who feeking thee abide," &c. was moft feafonable and comfortable. At this time I was preaching on Gal. v. 24. and -I had a trial of the difficulty of the work. Feb. 9. Thurfday. This day, betwixtten and eleven at night', my wife, after long andfore labour, was delivered of a fon, called Thomas, who was baptized on the 15th by Mr ,Gabriel Wilfon minifterat Maxton. $he never recoveredwith fo much difficulty ; which feemed to anfwer to our frame in prayer for that mercy. On the Sabbath after the was very ill ; and juft when I was going in to the afternoon- fermon the told me, the thought the was in a fever. Whereupon I looked to the Lord, and prefently found my fpirit calmed, in hopes all -would be well; and went to my work ; and fo it was. While I wrote the letter to Mr Wilfon to come and baptize the child, my foul fluttered away to Chrift with my child, and I wept for joy of the covenant, that it was for my feed, as well as for myfelf, Feb. 15. This night I had four particular fuits before the throne of grace. And within a few days after, as to-one Ofthem force perfons, who, being furred up by an enemy to me, had created me very much trouble in a particular bufinefs, came and agreed with me ; fo. the Lord made my enemies ftumble and fall in their tneafures againft me :, and O but that mercywas tweet! An only child of a dear friend having been fick, I heard of her recovery, As to anurfe for my child, theLord anfwered by that