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Q06 MIEMOIRS DP PERIOD Ix. afternoon-fertnon. The rain returned on Monday. That was wonderous in my eyes. I afterwards reviled the a&ion-fermon, with a view to publifh it in the Fourfold State ; but gave over that purpofe *'. Mean while the divifions made -tile 'number of communicants *but (mall. See Appendix, No 1. Thereafter I infifled for fume time on a fu'bbje& fuitable to the communion -work we had been employed in, [viz. Jer. 1. 5.] And this was all along my manner before and after communions. That being done, I did, on Sept. 3. enter, for an ordinary, on Mark x. 21. " One thing thou lackeft," &c. And hereto I was led for the eafe of my own (foul, and fpent thereon what ;remained of the year. On the Friday after the facrament, I received a letter, defiring the to come and vifit one who had been a diffenter, but had come in at the frerament, and communicated with us, now very lick, and defirous to fee me. From the letter, I imagined that the was under remorfe for her complying fo far with us ; ,which feemed to me to be a dreadful attempt of the devil agaínft the ordinances in this parith : however, Í went away with boldnefs to fee her ; and by the good hand of God found it was quite con- trariwife ; for fhe told me, that the was under theLord's chaftité- ment for her deferting the ordinances fo long ; that it began with her in the church on the fait-day, which was her firft return to the ordinances ; and that the was then fo preffed, that the had much ado to keep herfelffrom either running out, or crying out, in time of fermon. This was no finali comfort to me, that God had fo far vindicated his own caufe. This brings me in mind of the pillage narrated above, p. 200. Sept. 29. Having been undera great trial from that particular, of which before,' I was fo broke with the fin and mifery flowing from it, that I loathed life, and would have been content to have been away, and left all, to have been freed from the fn and mifery of the cafe. This fat down on my fpirit on the Lord's day, the 13th of Auguft. The next Sabbath I was at the fàcrament at Selkirk. That was to me a fweetordinance beyond many. But, . behold, .there arofe again quickly after a dreadful florin of temp- tation from the fame quarter. So I preached my experience next Lord's day on that text, Job vii. 10. " I loath it, I would not live alway." I gave myfelf to lecret Salting and prayer on the Wednefday thereafter, being the 30th of Auguft. My cafe fill continuing heavy, it led me to that portion of fcripture, Mark x. 21. as above mentioned. After much fad toffrug, I did this day fpend Tome time in fecret prayer with fàfting, to feek of the Lord a right way. On the Lord's day before, I had been preaching dire&ions how to get over the one thing lacking; and this day I fet rnyfelf folemnly tó pra&ife them for my particular tale. After a while I laboured to take up my real cafe as nicely It was publiíhed in 17,55, is the fame volume with the Mifcellaneous Queftions 'above mentioned.