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1710. MR THOMAS BOSTON. 20.1 as I could : for confidered, that unto the trials God lays in mens way, they often add much of their own, which makes them far more bulky and weighty than otherwi le they are in very deed ; and here I was convinced, that I had laid too much of my own, fuffering fome things to fink into my fpirit, which were not fo much to be regarded. Thus having as it were removed the rubbifh I had laid upon the alone which was to be lifted up, I went through thefe dire&ions : Firft, Labouring 'to fee the evil of it ; Secondly, Setting myfelf in a way of believing againft it : 1. Endeavouring to be emptied of myfelf in point of confidence in myfelf, with refpebt to the viéory over it ; 2. Taking Chrift for it: And, lit, Taking himfélf inftead of it ; 2dly, Taking him in all his offices for it ; as a Prophet; a Prieft, in his merit and interceffion ; and as a King, with particular refpeót to that one thing; idly, Believing the promifes fuited to. that cafe. The third direótion was my prefent work, fatting and prayer. And, laftly, I refolved through grace to watch. In a fpecial manner I did that 'day folemnly renounce, and give over into the hands of the Lord, that thing, and take Chrift in the Head of it ; fo making the exchange, refolving to take what he fhould pleafe to give me of my delire, but to quarrel no more with the Lord upon the head, but to be as a weaned child,. Oct. 2. Immediately on the back of that exercife my temp- tation was renewed, which gave me much ado; but yefterday, being the Lord's day, I found that out of the eater meat was brought to me. The honour of all the faints, Pfal. cxlix. with refpeót to the defired viotory over my lusts, was fweet to me ; and that of the affli&ions and confolations of miniflers being for people's fake, 2 Cor. i. 6. (both falling in our ordinary in the family), was fweet and feafonable. My foul longed to be free of fin, and was really in love with Chrift ; he was the delire of my foul, which longed for hire and when I confidered my one thing lacking, I was well content to:part with it for him, and to Peek my foul's refit in himfélf. Muchhad I laboured to get the crook in my lot made ftraight ; but it would not do; yea I was often made worfe by feeking to even it. This I teok up as the wrong way, but faw the neceffity of bowing my heart to it. This day I had much fi tisfa&tiion in the refignation and exchange made in this matter, and found my heart fo loofed from the bonds of my corruption, that the hand of the Lord appeared eminently in it. Oa. 6. I have feen that under temptation I have magnified my trial, fo that now it appears much lets than fometimes it did. The Lord has driven the mifts from about it, that 'made it look bigger than it was. And this I take to be the efieáá of Chrift's executing his prophetical office in me, as I gave myfelf to him as a Prophet in that matter particularly. And this day fefle&ing an the Lord's dealin.r with me, I found my foul purged from Nu, 5. C c