1710. MR THOMAS BOSTON. O9 the fchool was public, kept in the kirk, and the reproof given with fuch an ill air, that I could not take it well off the hand that reached it ; but it let me in to more than that, that that boy ap- peared to me the rnellenger of the Lord fent to tell me my faults,. fo as I could have under that notion hugged him in my boforn. And that I got for going fo far. So I came home rejoicing. in the Lord's kindnefs to me in there dil'penfations. Oct. "23. This night was a Tweet night to me, being let into the view of the 6th chapter of the epitfle to the Galatians, and loving the Lord and holinefs. Tt bath been my wonder, that the faith of heaven fhoitld not' more wean my heart from the World: Nov. 4. A. woman who had' fallen into fornication told me, that the Lord began to deal with her foul, while the was young; and that fer feveral years the continued ferious ; but for five years before her fall, the was under a plain decay ; that The never awaked till the child was one night overlaid, and found dead in the morning. She faid, that in the time of her travail The was no more concerned than ghat, pointing to a form or feat. Dec. 9. This night I was in bad cafe. I find it is not eafy to me to carry right, eitherwith or without the crots. While t was walking up and down my clofet in heavinefs, my little daughter Jane, whom I had laid in the bed, füddenly railing up herfelf, laid, The would tell me a note : and thus delivered berielf Mary Magdalen went to the fepulchre. She went back again ' With them to the fepulchre ; but they would not believe that Chrift was rifer, till Mary Magdalen stet him.; and he faid tci her, " Tell my brethren, they are my brethren yet." This fhè pronounced with a certain 'air of fweetnefs. It took me by the heart : " His brethren yet;" (thought I) ; and may I think that Chrift will own me as one of his brethren yet? It was to me as life from the dead. As for myitudies : From my fettling in Etterick, I gave mv- felf to reading, as I was difpofed and had accefs ; making fume excerpts out of thebooks I read. [began thebook of the paflàges:. ofmy life, which before hadbeen kept in the two manufcripts above mentioned, and fame other papers. My fora John was begun to learn the Latin tongue, Feb. 16. 1708, and had domeftic teach- ing till the year 174,2; for which caufe I had feveral young, men in that time for teachers ; but often the burden lay op myfelf. And there was no legal fchool in the parifh, . till of late, when none of my children needed it. I read Tome of the books of AntoniaBourignon, for underftanding her principles, which made a confiderable'noife at that time ; and making Tome excerpts out ofthem, I left a column blank for animadverfions thereon ; which I, finding no occafion for after, did never make.. I began lee.; turing- in :Etterick where I left off in Simprin ; and proceeding to- thebook of the Revelation, I wrote fome lectures thereon, from C c 2