1711. MR THOMAS BOSTON. 913 preach, and fo have no accefs to be ufeful to them that way, they being diffenters ; "yetI have ground to think that they would read my fermons. 2dly, There are ,feveral that make no coufcience of ordinary attendance on the public ordinances, and fo have heard but few of thefe férnions. 3dly, There are tome who cannot get attended punétualiy, and to whom filent Sabbaths are a grief; and it is hoped they might be welcome to thafe, e- fpecially at fuck times. 2. With ref'peét to my friends in the Merfe. As the Lordwas pleated to own me while there; making nie ferviceable, not only to my own parifh, but to many of the godly in the country ; fo copies of my fèrmons, ¡luce 1 carne from them, have been defired and got by feverai there ; which thaws the intereft I have in their aflèétions, and promifes a kindly reception. 3. With refpeét to myfelf. lft, I am very little ferviceable with reference to public management, being exceeding .défeétive in ecclelaftical prudence ; and very little ufeful in con- verte, being naturally filent but the Lord has given ,me a pul- pit-gift, not unacceptable ; and who knows what he may do by me that way ? 3dly, Though firmetimes.I wrote as little of my fermons as many others, yet thefe nine years at leaft tali by- pafì, I have been °led into a way of dote ftudy, and writing largely. I have oft-times wifhed to have that yoke off my .neck, but 1ält Providence held it on me; and though I have feveral times been deigned for public places, yet I have Rill been'thut up where I had time for ítudy. idly, The Lord has often made me a wonder to myfelf; and to fity from my heart, What am I?' and whence is this ? while he has helped me to preach', Wetted my fermons, and given me fróm Settee filch an intereft in the affeétions of thegodly. And I will never forget, through grace, the fúrprifing goodnefs of God to in clerking'to.the fÿnod; which was to done to fátisfa&ion, that the Lord knows, it was fuch a furprife to me, that to this day (having now given it over) I do but believe it ou the teíiimony of others. That wórk was taken off my hand at the lait fynod., while this was propofed to be put into it. 4thly, I have a weary talk of my work in this parifh, the Lord's meffàge in my mouth meeting With fiach bad entertainment : what if the Lard íliould make up this another: way? 4. With refpe& to the fermons themfelves. ,111, The univerfal ufefulnefs of the fiabjeéts, not treated of in that method by any .that I know. 9dly, As I had an uneafìnefs till I got through them', to my parish, in regard of the great weight of the fubjeéts ; fo it would be no, fmall comfort to me, to have them fill fpeaking to them. 3dly, Providence has ordered that I have been now twice' on there fubjeéts, tho' in a different method; once at Simprin, and once here. 4thly, rihefe very fermons, I know, were ufeful to force when preached :, I have had exprefs acknowledgements of their efficacy, particularly that of the cor- ruption of nature, the myttical union, and the eternal Rate. Lally, The hens of Providence in that bufinefs ; The provider-