1712. MR THOMAS BOSTON. 219 fore let myfelfto ty his evidences ; and thoughhewas not ready to produce Ahem,' yet whenhe did, I could not but acknowldge what he fail to be good evidence ; for indeed. he is a knowing and religious young man. In all that flood of words, there was not one word to tie commendation of the ordinances, though it would have been molt featbnable from a dying man, efpecially in regard of the deferters that were there. JVhed 1 fpoke fome- thing of the Lord's feeding his peofile in ordinances, he fpoke nbthing to the comrnendation;of the word, (though he was wont diligently to attend) ; but 4d only, It was only the S¡Sirit_ that could make it do good either to the preachers or hearers. And I.durft not put the queftion tohim, concerning hisown entertain- ment in the ordinances, becauíeof the deferters that were about. This was very heavy to me. I judge there was fomething of vapours in the cafe. From that time he recovered, being quickly better after I faw him. Another cafe of the fame nature in a young woman a little after I came to this parith, who was very confident of her {late, and that with a fort of rejoicing ; though, upon further acquaintance after, l could not difcern any thing that might be a foundation for filch great things. I delire not to be peremptory in the particular cafes; but I fee theneed minifters have not to be too credulous, but to try. Feb. b. This day I plainly faw the temptation aforefaid con- firming my call to this work, when I confidered how quickly Satan flew in the face of it, and how by the fame means God had been fitting me for it, clearing, as it were, the ground to lay the foundation. Feb. 26. This day I found I had unfitted myfelf for my work; and it pleafed the Lord to withdraw from me in it until I was humbled, and then his help returned. And my foul bleffeth him that thus correóts me while about that work. March 9. I find my work very difficult, being hitherto little elfe but a new ftidy only the Lord liberally recompenfeth my toils, fo that I am well fàtisfied with the produ& of the blefling of God on my pains. I am appointed to .go to the general affembly, and that againft my will, in regard of the work that is on my hand ; but am fatisled in the providence of God, which has a ferret defign, which, I hope, I will fee. Marc&. 12. On the Loth inflant I was very much difcouraged as to that work, finding the authentic copy fo bare and empty, that I could not but attribute it ta a fpecial providence, that the minifiers who read them could ever have advifed to revife them. I fpent this morning in prayer, efpecially fordiredion and affritance in that work, and was helped to lay it over on the Lord. Yeiterday being in diftrefs about the weaning of the child, I Went to God with that matter ; and coming down flairs prefent. ly after, I found the difficulty by the good providence of God re- moved, by the recovery of the nurfe's hufband, whofe Iicknefà had formed that difficulty.