224 MEMOIRS OF PERIOD IX. out by one that was with me), how to difpofe of my effe&s, if by any means I might keep them from becoming a prey to the government; rigid execution of the law being expe&ed by both parties, clear and unclear. But the executing of the projeót was delayed till the fynod. At this meeting, the brethren clear for the oath, had concerted meafures for bringing fuch as lhould refuté it under an engagement not to fpeak againft the takers of it. I was refolved to be very tender that way, and fo llave been all along to this day ; looking on the expofing of them as a hinderajéce to the fuccefs of the gofpel : for which caufe Ihave fuffered heavily-at the hands of the people. But withal I was abfolutely againtt binding up myíélf in the matter, by, confenting to any a& for that end ; and therefore declared ,againft it àccord- ingly. And, on purpofe to break it, I,propofed, that fence the clear brethren demanded that engagement of us unclear, on the one hand, they fhould, on the other hand, engage, that they would-not join with the magiftrate againft us. And this broke the contrivance to allintents and purpofes:; for they could neither think meet to come under fuch an engagement to us, nor could they have confidence to infift 'n their proje& upon their ,íhifting it. Thus the Lord honou d me, to mar this infnaring con- trivance ; which gave me ground to hope, that notwithítanding my pérfonal guilt and unholinefs, the Lord would help me to be faithful, and fome way ufefûl in the time of trial. As I came home, I was made fweetly to obferve, what pains the Lord had been pleated then to take to ree%ncile me to the crofs, and to fweeten it to me, in a pleafant mixture of difáppointments, ftraits, and outgates, in the maá-ragement ofmy affairs: for when I came to Kelfo, I found the meafures before laid down for, that efi"e&, all broken ; which much perplexed me : but on that occafion I was let on other meafures thought to be more fure. I fawmyfelf there a friendlefs creature ; which made,me folemnly take God for my friend, and lay my bufinefs over upon him and it fucceeded. I had bufinefs with feveral perlons, as I came homeward ; and they were all made favourable to me ; yet_ fiill in a viciflìtude of difappointments or temptations;'fo thatit was all the way, as it were, one ftep down and another up. Baying been difappointed of meeting with a perfon I had bufinefs with, and that twice fucceffively, I, was thinking, (as 1 rode on my way), that although fach difappointments were but fmall things, yet being ruled by Providence, they certainly had a defign ; namely, to try mens patience, and waiting on the Lord ; which my foul deured tcdo. In the very time there thoughts were going through my heart, the boy that was with me allied a wo- man, where fuch a one d . elt, a friend of that perfon's whom I wanted. She told him ; but withal added, that if we were feek- ing filch a man, he was in that houle, to which the belonged. So we met. This faiall thing thus timed, was big in my eyes.