232 MEMOIRS OF PÉRI00 X. from .me in the time ; for he is infinitely wife. The fermon I preached on this occafion, was afterwards publifhed, under the title of The everlafting efpoufals : Providence thus quickly begin- ning to, move, towards bringing forth of that work forefaid, in its due time. On the morrow, a godly minifter and I converting about the work, he told me therewere two exprefTons tired by meatfèrving of the table that were offenfive to forne. The one was mifie- prefented and miftaken, being that of figning the wrong paper, which fee in the authentic MS. fermons on Hof. ii. 19. p. es. which forne had turned to figning a, compaét with the devil. But I had not expreffed it lb fully as in the notes ; which I thould have done, there being fome there that had not heard it from me before. The other was mifapplied, having no ground at all, hut the jealoufy of the perfon offended. However thefe, efpecially the laft, caft me down very fore, who before was lying very low. From thefe, and the blunder, I got a plain leffon, to beware.of mixingmy own' fpirit with the Lord's Spirit. In thefe damps I unbofomed myfelf to my friend Mr Wilfon, (for whom I blefs the Lord), and he was ufeful to me. Let me learn to be humble, watchful, and 'dependent, while I think it goes well with me. I am perfitaded they have great need to take heed to their feet that are let in within the vail ; for he is a jealous God. On the Tuefday having convoyed the minifter fome miles, Mr . Colden, at parting (as before alfo) had fo expreffed what he had felt in that (to ,me) overclouded fermon, that I was made to believe the Lord had owned it. 'And then my heart was opened to give him the due thanks. And the efledts of my believing it I found to be, 1. That I was thankful ; 2. It humbled me, see- ing it as a great debt upon me ; 3. It kindled in my heart more delire after holinefs. So retiring, by the way I poured out my foul before God, according to thefe impreffions. Wednefilay. But this day the glory of that work was quite out of my eyesagain, and I could not be thankful ; "but was con- founded and funk, when I looked back on it. I wondered at Mr Colden's fpeaking as he, did, on Monday's night before all the company, concerning that work and me. I thought that what- ever had been my .mindof another, I could not have fpoken fo, before the perfon himfelf: and I have often wondered on fuch occafions. But now I fee how needful thefe things are for me, and how by them the Lord indulgeth weak me, when I cannot fee the thing, to be thankful for it, notwithfì:anding all thefe helps and props. One thing comforts-me, that the Saturday's work had fuch influence on, me, that it occafioned my uttering thefe words to the congregation, `. I would fain hope God will do great things here to-morrow; he can do wonders with little noire,' &c. Dec. lö. One havinga whileago, defireda copy ofmy aá.ion-