Q34 MEMOIRS OF PERTOD X. Of that my being called away from the work, toforward it, which it is likely had lain if that had not come. I went off Sabbath afternoon, Jan. 16. after fermon, and re- turned next Saturday's night. My fermon was ftudied before, and fo it was (except a very little) the laft time I had occafion to be fo abroad. So does the Lord encourage me to ftudy. My brother grew better, while I was there ; and, for my own ufe, I received an inftrucîion and warning, and a check, from thedif- penfation. , Jan.. c26. This day, obferved to determine me to the publifhF ing of the fermon, ] . That as I was cleared to put pen to paper, fo the publifhing of it encouraged by the two minifters that Taw it. Q. That difpenfation of Providence whereby the damp was taken off, though it Teemed itfeif to concur to the laying the defign ofde when I firft met with it. 3. It is defired by many, and I hope it may be uteful. 4. The Lordhelped me in it, particularly with that on Ezek. xvi. to my own furprife. 5. There feems to be a. neceffaty laid on me, to make this effay, that fo I may at length come to a point, whether to venture the publifhing of the book or not. After the Queen's death, King 'George fafely arriving, had a peaceable acceflìon to the throne for which caufe there was a. thankfgiving appointed to be obferved Jan. 22. 1715. But at that time, 1 having been called to Dunfe, as is above related, we could not obferve it on the day appointed. Howbeit we kept it on the 3d of Feburary ; which day I preached on Efther ix. 1. Now when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had ruled over them that hated them)." This fermon is to be found next to that of the fall-day above mentioned. Feb'. 6. This day being the Lord's day, in the time of the firft prayer, in the pulpit, one drew my fleeve ; which put me into roam diforder : quickly after, I heard a muttering about me ; which (truck me with terror: fo, recommending thecafe toGod, whatever it was, I clefed the prayer. (N. B. T think; upon refleélion, I fhould have immediately flopped upon the firft figa given, and knownwhat the matter was, ere I had gone further ; for I could have no'compofure till I had done that, and that (ign was a providential call, under which I knew not what might be). Then I was told that one was a-dying at the park-foot, betwixt that and the water, little more than a (tone-catt froth the church. The congregation being fet to ring a pfalm, I went out ; but he was dead ere I got to him. He was a thong old man, about feventy -fix years old, whô having come over the hills fromUpper Dalgleith four miles a-foot, and having taken a drink of the water, and Paid be had left the reft about a quarter Of a mile be- hind him, never fpoke more, but fell down, gave'two fhivers