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171.4. MR T%IOMASBOSTON. 237 very welcome reception from all having any fenfeofreligion. Seafbnably' (fays the author of the letter) ' it came to my hand, at a time when I was under much deadnefs and hiding of the Lord's face ; I was walking in darknefs, and faw no light ; yet by a fecret power was kept from drawing raíh conclufions while I was reading it. I can compare it to nothing more fitly than a cordial to a fainting fpirit, or a ray of light fhining in a dungeon. The furprifing turn which it gave to my funk fpirit, is beyond what I canexprefs. The heavenly eloquence and divine rhetoric which was in it, brought forne tranfaótions to my remembrance, which had been for fome time out of fight, and I made a new Amen to the marriage-covenant.'----This melted mÿ foul in tliankfulnefs and admiration of the goodnefs of God to vile me, and fent me to'rny knees immediately with there im.preífions. It alto filled me with courage : and now I was well content to lie down and receive my lathes from- other hands ; for 'now I had a pleafant view, how God would be beforehand with me, laying in that timely to prepareMe for other fort of entertainment. And indeed I am well hired to abide all. May 14. Saturday. I fpent a part of this day in humiliation, renewing my covenant with God, and prayer for the Lord's pretence in the work of the facrament of the fupper to be celebrated here, Iaft. Sabbath of this month. The Lord was pleated to help me to confidence, believing in God as my God. May 19. Since Saturday laft, ,1 have had Mott fentible ex- perience óf the folid joy and peace, in believing God to be my God in Chrift. I find it is a bleffed means of fan&ification. It ftrengthens to duty for I have been helped in my work of vifiting fince `that time. It nourithes love to the Lord; and confequently lóve to and, defire of the thriving of his work in people's fouls. It creates a Tweet calm, and quiet of mind, in doubtful events ; for I have been tried, and yet amwith a pro- fpect of the Lord's keeping hack the one half of my helpers in . the work before me ; but I have no anxiety that way. It fweetens other enjoyments, and carries above things which at other times are irritating, and create difguft. I have compared flafhes ofaffe&tion, with a,.calm fedate tender love to the Lord ; and I prefer the latter to the former, and have been, and am, happy in it. May 27. Friday. In the time forefaid, I thought I would meet with a trial. It camejuft on the morrow, 'being my ttudy.- day. The text I had in view for the Sabbath was that, °° This cup is the new tetìament in my blood." And I had a great delire to be it, that my foul might dip into the fweetnefs of it. But though in this cafe I let about it, Godbound me up, it would not do with me. Isould neither go forward in it, nor come off from it. Thus I f'pent that weary day, praying, think- ing, !hiving to keep up my confidence that the Lord would help.