X40 MEMOIRS bF PERIOD X. treating ofgofpel-myfteries. Satan was at my heels ere that work was over. Being frrprifed to hear fingingof pfalrns in the kirk, and ftunned to fee the people running away into it, leaving the folemn work we were at ; ,fo that the rump of the meeting feerned only to remain, being in the fouth-weft fide of the church-yard : having fent one, and after that another, to flop that diforder ; and it continuing Rill ; I went and put a flop to it, with a fharpnefs, which no doubt irritated the brother who was the caufe of it. So we became foares to oneanother. And fo quickly did my fpirit go without bounds. I knew God was not the author of this confufion ; but the way ofmy fpirit in removing it was, and is, humbling upon refleötion. It hung about me molt heavily, till the whole day's work being over, I had occafion to Phew him the forrw of my heart, that Satan ''ílrould fo foon have`got advantage againft us, and to intreat him to join with me in withftanding the progrefs of this flame that the tempter bath kindled : and hereunto the goodman fhewed all readinefs. I have, fometimes obferved the Lord's being very gracious tomein matters of public management : but thekeennefs of my fpirit, at the laft fynod, in the café of Mr J. D. aforefaid, (thoughT darenot overlook the fenfible help, I had of the Lord in, the management of that matter there ; a matter nearly touching my confcience, and the welfare of many fouls, which I know was the caufe of God ; in pleading of which, I was carried over all the impediments ordinarily anfing from my weaknefs and natural temper ; but when I fáw a combination to run down the caufe, my zeal, mixed with fome fire from my own hearth, in the further management ofit : my keennefs of fpirit,,I fay in that matter), and in this, (hews me; that my natural modefty and diffidence is not a fufficient guard to my fpirit, in publicappear- ances, though they be very few. To thee, then, O Lord, I will look for it. That day's work was concluded with a molt favoury fermon, by that brother, though he was out of humour when called to it. So the Lord can outfhoot the devil in his own bow. When I was about to make this review, I found my fpirit out of order : and finding the diforder of my natural fpirits contribute thereto,,I went out, and walked, to refrefh myfelf; then returned and fet to the work. It is hard to play when the jnftrument is not in tune. The week before the facrament Satan furred up the fpirits of fome neighbours againft the work and me, appprehending there Would he a great gathering., whereby their corns would fuffer. And one of my few elders (from whom I have little'help) was at leaf a filent witnefs to the rage and fpite. But the cloven foot was too vifible to difcourage much. In a little time after the facrament, the fame perfon aéted with the fame fpirit offpite againft me in another cafe. However, there was no complaint of the corns ; whence I may know, there was no ground, though indeed the company was great. Al this time there, were ten