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242 MEMOIRS OF PERIOD X. accounts, her cafe lay .very near myheart, and I was full ofhopes that the Lord had not Pent the good woman to die here. Her . coming hither was by feveral in this parifh looked on with an evil eye, according to their uncharitable, felfifh difpofîtion, &c. So that foolifh' I thought the honour of God was almoft engaged for her life. And her death was an aftonifhing difpenfatìon to me, calling to eye, fovereignty, which challengeth a latitude. Befides, my hopes in her café wifcarrying, quite perplexed my hopes as to the café of myown wife. I had been preaching on contentment for force Sabbaths ; and Sabbath the 17th of this month, being our marriage-day, and her reckoning out on the 15th, that 17th day was of a terrible profpeét to me. Where- fore yefterday I gave myfelf unto prayer, to intreat the Lord for her, and to provide for the worft ; and came away with that, namely, That God will do the belt. On Saturday July 9. my wife had fomé pains, and alfo on the Sabbath morning, ; at which time I had thoughts of fending for the midwife. I went to prayer, which produced fomé reluc- tancy to it ; and thereafter my wife !hewing her unwillingnefs, I eafily yielded, being the Lord's day. Afterwards in prayer my heart was fully calmed in that matter, that all would be well for that time. And fo it was. But next morning betwixt twelve and one I fent off the lad for the midwife, who was at the dif- tance of about eighteen miles. Jo/y 27. On Friday the 13th of that month, my wife was delivered of a daughter, about one after noon, our laft child, called Katharine; who, on the 20th, was - baptifed by my friend Mr Wilfón. The day before I ftudied my fermons for the Lord's day, and giving tome direótions againft difcontent, force things came fo pat to my feared cafe, that I was aftonifhed fomewhat with it. I was brought in'that matter to a refignation unto the - will ofGod ; and having beenhelped by the fertnons,on content- , ment, to believe that all that God does is beft done, (which I biers God has now, for a confiderable time, been much on my fpirit), I often left it on the Lord in thefe terms, that he would do the belt, without 'determining one way or other. And behold he has heard my prayer, and hitherto wrought the deliverance very gracioufly. I fee the way of trufting in God at all times, with pofitive refolutions, not to diftruft him, whatever he will do with us, (which was much the language of my heart, and lips too, at that time), is the true way to rett, in the time of doubt- ful events, and alfo to get one's will. I myfelf have been feveral times, on this occafion, taking àview of death ; and I have found, that faith in God through Chrift makes another world not quite (trange. 'I have feen lb muchof late, how God MI6 hopes and fears, that my f'pirit Teems difpofed to leave all to't:heLord ; et necfperare nee extinefcere, Tc exannaveris ; neither to fear nor hope, but according to God's promifes and threatening..