1715. MR THOMAS, BOSTON. 247 v. 14. -23. " Out of Ephraim was there a root of them againft. A.malek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy people : out Of Machir came down governors, and out of_Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer. And the princesof Ilfachar, were with Deborah : even Iflachar, and alío Barak, he was fent on foot into the valley : for the divifions of Reuben there weregreat thoughts of heart. Why abodeft thou among the fheep-folds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? for the divitons of Reuben there were great fearchings of heart. Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why did Dan remain in chips? Miler continued on the fea-Chore, and abode in his breaches. Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death, in the high places of the field. The kings came and fought, then fought the 'kings of Canaan in Tanaach by the 'waters of Megiddo, they took no 'gain of money. They fought from heaven, the stars in then r courfes fought againft Sifera. The river of Kifhon fwept them away, that ancient river, the river Kifhon : O my foul, thou haft trodden down ftrength.. Then were the horfe-hoofs broken by the means of the pranfrngs, . the pranfings of their mighty ones." I went off on Monday, but not one perlon more out of the parith ; nay, I could not have fo much as an elder to go to the fynod. The rebels who were at Hawick on ,the 'Lord's day, were expected on, the Monday. at Selkirk ; fo I knew not whether I could get to Keith or not. However, I refolved, if poífrble, to be there.., And from that time the Lord gracioufly gave me an unufual courage, which continued with me always till the danger was over, and I came home ; and then my fpirit returned to its ordinary. I met with no trouble that day, nor did the rebels come to Selkirk at that time.. On Tuefday the 18th, when í went into Keith, the horfe were out to obferve the enemy, and the town was looking for their approach to attack them, for they were at Jedburgli the night before. People from all corners, and from our neighbour- ing parifh of Yarrow particularly, had come into the help of the Lord againft the mighty ; which made me- alhamed, con fidering that there was none ofours there. The thoughts of the fynod's meeting, and the fermon, were given over for that . day at leaft, in refpe& of there circumftances : and it colt Mr Wilfou and me no little ftruggle ere we could obtain them ; which at length, with much difficulty, we did,`about three in the afternoon being defirous to be found in the way of duty, whatever fhould t happen. The fynod appointed a committee to draw up a warning againft, the prefent rebeliion; who meeting that night, and dikourfing a little on it left it on me to prepare a draught,.. thereof: but I refuted it, not daring to undertake it, from -a real perfuafion of my unirtnefs for it. 'So when the fynod met next day, there was nothing done in that affair. Whereupon ,the fynod appointed Mr away and me forthwith to withdraw,. No. á. I3h