Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

1715. MR THOMAS BOSTON'. 231 crucified ;' as if we had been Peeking it, or had no'confcience, but as guided by them. Sabbath Dec. 4. Thus thattered and broken in body and fpirit, Í preached my firft fermon in my new circumitances ; but, recovered fomewhat ere I came out of the pulpit. That very fame day, Mr Taylor, who has made a new fchiûn, preached in Efkdalemóor, got leveral of this parish to hear him, and thole fuch as were not wont to wander, whatever number he had of others formerly of another temper. At night I heard of two new delérters laid to be broke off' from me, one whereof I was told:broke off on account of my meddling in the rolls afórefaid. The buithen of the parith lies on me alone, having no tolerable fupport of my intereft in it, from any. And the word not hav- ing efficacy on people's confciences, and thole of the fchifm being in every corner of it, it is little wonder :poor I am unable to item the tide. I have for fome time been much afraid of being raft over the hedge ; . but otherwife an honourable dilcharge from him who fent me hither, has often been beautiful in my eyes. But when I think on leaving them, the cafe they will apparently run into in thole circumitances, is terrible to me. So I am toffedas from one {harp rock upon another every way. The condu& of Providence in leading me in my preaching, in this place, has often been remarkable ; but never more fo than of late amidft thefe difcouragements. Since the 4th ofSeptember that I preached firft to stir up the people as above faid, what day the leáure fell, Jer. iv. where we had a molt lively defçription of the calamities of war, &c. I have often beenamazed to fee the Lord leading me in le&ures and fermons, in my ordinary, fo pat to the difj>enfations of theday, as they fell out one after another, and to my own cafe with the pariah, that I could not but fay, This is the finger of God. The Sabbath after the rendezvous at Selkirk, the lecture fell Jer. ix. the Sabbath after the .victories, Jer. xv ; the Sabbath after the oath, Jer. xvii. ; and few days there were, wherein was not fomething molt feafonable in them, as may appear by comparing what is noted above with the order of the chapters, allowing one to each Sabbath. As for the fermons, I have dated that before the battles, Nov. 6. and that on the very day ofthe battles, Nov: 13. This has been no final! flay and, fupport to my heart. As to the Fourfold State, though, the rebellion breaking out, I law there was no accefs to l;oblifh it; yet I went on, (as the time would allow), and by the 2111 of November had the three firft-ftafes tranfcribed, minding to + o no more till I fee what comes ofthat. I have often and again committed it to the Lord,. and for prefervation particularly that day forefaid, if he hav any ufe for it. For now it has been, and often is heavy' to m that the feafon of publithing it is flipt ; and the confufionmub- the times has made me afraid of the lofing of the copy a' an: :', .to my apprehenfion, the fittet feafon for publithing it is g wer..