1716. MR THOMAS BOSTON. $53 through in the night in that cafe, having fo much ado with it in the day-light. After I had ended my ordinary ort Amos iv. 12. " Prepare " to meet thy God," &c, before I had accefs fo much as to enter on another, there began a ciiftrefs in our parifh, by a ftorm, fuch as they had not felt foriforty-two years before. And this led me to a new - ordinary, viz. Rom. viii. 22. " For the whole creation groaneth, and travajleth in pain together until now. I entered on it Jana 22. and continued till March 4. The Lord's day was fuch, that but few could come out. 'I had once thoughts of taking another fubjeót; but the difcourfe being fo feafonable, and believing that he who had given me that, cóuld give me more, I refolved to preach it, however few fhould hear it. - So to a few in the houfe I delivered it with much fatisfac- tion. Since, by reafon of the woful unconcernednefs of the people in the public caufe, I coúld not appoint a congregational fait for the King's army, for the Lord's help to them, I had no confa; dence to move for one unclothe account of the form, which was our private caufe in a fpecial manner, and heavy to the pariah, and by which I faw the Lord was pleading againft us on account of our unconcernednefs about the public caufe. Therefore, on the morrow after, being the 23d I kept a family-fait for both, and, as to inyfelf in particular, for the .divine alliance in the , fudy of the Hebrew accentuation. And being helped to confì- fidence in the Lord as my God, I was made the more freely to lay out my requefs before him. As to the ftudy of the Hebrew accentuation, no body, confidering what pains I had been at to underftand Mr Crofs's book, and that the HebrewBible was my delight, will doubt but by this time I had force notion of that accentuation, however lame, dark, and confufed : and I refolved to put in writing what I thought I had reached of it, to the end I might not forget it. At this time, le&uring in Jeremiah's prophecy, I wrote the fpec.imeu of the Taghmical Art on chap. xxiv. to be found in the mifèellany, MS. p.350.-356 :,a performance of little value, done on Mr Crof's's principles, fo far as I underfood them; and therefore to be very little regarded. Feb. 2. We kept a faf by order of the prefbytery. The Lord heard the prayers of his people ; and on the Saturday thereafter, the thaw began. The form aforefaid was followed with an extraordinary mortality in our pariah, fuch as none, I could hear of, pretended to remember of the like therein :. and I heard of no fuch thing neither, in the places about. My dear child Katharine died among the refl. In April the mortalit; ceafed. Feb. 22. Laft Lord's day being quite out of cafe ere I WEpUb into the pulpit, I prayed to the Lord ; and remarkably he her, au me, and made all right beyond expebtatios . I hive been r- Werra