254 MEMOIRS or ',Enron X. comfortably furprifed with difcoveries of the Lord's mind in his word ofthe Hebrew text, which he has been pleafed to make to The by means of its accentuation. Particularly, the difcovery of the true fenfe of that paffage, Gen. xlix. t0. by that means, did ió of e&, ftrike, and tranfport me, that it slid aloft fenfibly afl'eét my very body, and that from head ,foot *. And by the light into the Lord's word fo given me, I have found my foul fanóti- fied, and made to love the Lord. This makes ne to account the better of thefe titles of the law, as divine. By this means, what I defigned in the writing aforeíáid, as introdu&ory to what I was to note of that which I had learned on the thingitfelf, has been fpun out quite beyond any thing I'could have in view when I began it ; lb that I cannot yet get my colle&ions on the art itfelf begun and by the fame means I am perfuaded, that thefe accents are the key to the true verfion and fenfe of the Hebrew text. March 21. This day we fluent tome tihie in family humiliation and prayer, on the account of the death of our youngeft child Katharine, who departed on the 12th inftant and the hand of- the Lord ftill onThomas and Alifon by the chincough ; alto for the Irate of the public ; and as to myfelf, for my ftudy of the accentuation. That child was very comfortable to me ; but I biefs him I was helped to part with her; and faw and believed -much of the Lord's goodnefs in that difpenfation. Coming home from Selkirk on the 2d inftant, and thinking on the time Of the land's trial, 1 had two main queftions as to my family. The one was the café of that dear child, the other the then cafe of my wife. I dare not fay I was faithiefs as tó either, but be- lieved God could fee to them very well in the worft of my cir- cumftances. As foon as I came home, I found the Lord was in his way to anfwer the laft; and thortly after the other was hid. I never had filch a clear and comfortable view Of the Lord's having other ufefor children than our comfort; forwl ends he removes then in infancy ; fo that they are not broug t to the world in vain. I faw reafon to biefs the Lord, that I had been made the father of fix children, now in the grave, and that were with me but a very fhort time ; but none of them loft; I will fee them all at the refurre&ion.' That alaufe in the cove- nant " And the God of thy feed," was fweet and full of rap. The mortality in our parilh is not over yet, though I hoped my child had clofed it : but juft while I was writing this, I heard e Theauthor, in a manufcript, containing a new trinflation of the laft fourteen a,.. chapters of Genefis, thus tranflates thispaffage. " The fceptre (hall not-depart from- thi udah ; and-a-lawgiver, from-be-tween his-feet: until, that-Shiloh-come ; and-to-him lev, the-gathering of the-people." And in his .Tratiatus fiigmologicus Hebrsso-Biblicus, thus renders it : " Non-recedet fceptrum, a-Juda ; et legator, ab-inter pedes-jus WOU. tué, quum-advenerit Sbitá ; atque-ei [fuerit], aggregatio populorum." And then he even " Neutiquam dicitur, nec fceptrum, neque .legiflatorem receffurum, adufque us illud prmfinitum ; verum tonutrumque." See more in that Effay, p. 76..