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1716. ,MR THOMAS BOSTON. 257 before the Lord, with fome confidence in himfelf, minding to hang on for them. The mortality is ceafed. May 4. But alas ! I found, three or four days ago, that I had not hung on ; and therefore God has purfued me with darknefs in the point of the facrament, being extremely perplexed and embarraffed in that matter, which fhould have been determined on Wednefday laft, but I am not cleared in it as yet. I have feen my mifmanagement, in that I have not prayed and thought about it more ; and have got a dear-bought leffon, to purfue bÿ thinking, for light, in what I confult God by prayer. Mean while,lince that time, fome things have looked better in the parifh. On the day after, the examination was frequent- ed unordinarily. On the Lord's day two contumacious perfons fubmitted. On Tuefday, one that has been of the new fepara-. tion by Mr Taylor near a year by-gone, and whom I parted with laft fummer as no more one of my flock, came to me, and acknowledged her fin; declaring, that from the Sabbath night after I had (poke with her, the had no reft in her mind ; but that that wore off in fome meafure, yet a great while ago re- 'turned more vigoroufly ; that it has wonted her private cafe, and withing never any might do as the had done, and bring fuck bitternefs to their own fouls. Thefe things had weight againft the bufinefs of Legertwood. May i1. Friday4 was almoft on the 9th refolved to celebrate the facrament on the firft Sabbath of June, and to venture over difficulties ftanding in the way, minding to feek the Lord on Saturday morning for a full determination. But this night ar- rived an exprefs fromMr Murray, obtefting me, as I would not have a hand in ftrengthening a molt finful fchifm, to come and affift him on the lait Sabbath of this month at the communion there. This carried my perplexity to the height. I went to the Lord with this, took with my fin in not infifting as aforefaid after the fait, etideavoured and was helped to believe over the belly of that provocation. Thereafter I found the light clearing, to my anfwering of that call to Penpont ; and having fent for two elders, they advifed to it. Thus I was both punifhed for that fin, and matters were kept open for fending me thither. I have but four elders at this time, but defign an additional number. While affifting at that facrament, was conceived it -project of tranfporting me to Clofeburn, a parifh in that neigh- bourhood ; of which I thall take more notice afterwards. Jauly 19. On the 15th the facrament was celebrated here. The faft-day was extraordinary ttormy with wind and rain ; but the three days fair; and for fome time before, and fince, there has not been one fair day to an end. 'On Wednefday; in Rudy- Mg my a6tion- fe5mon, I was fbre bound up; and little better on the Tuefday afternoon, when I began it. But on the Thurf- da.y, being the fat-day, the Lord fent us two fermons with much of his countenance ; hence my heart was looked, and I refolved Ii