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/696. MR THOMAS BOSTON. day, was deeply humbled, and hadvery much ado withunbelief, ftruggling to get my feet fattened. But at the table my foul, I thought, met with him in filch meafure, that oft-times I have remembered my God from Culrofs and Tulliallan, when he has hid his face fromme. On the Thurfday, before I had kept a fe- cret fail. July 26. The Lord's day, after the facrament at Tulliallan, where. the Lord was very kind to my foul, a godly family that had been at the fame facrament, had forgot it was the Lord's day ; fo that they told me afterward, they had fallen to their work, hàd not come to their houfe, and afked them if they would go to the church. On the Qd of Auguft, I was at a facrament, where I thought myfeiffare of great things, from the Lord's former kind dealing with me, I think : but before I went tothe table, I was deferted, tempted, perplexed with doubts whether to partake or not ; yet I thought it duty to go forward. I endeavoured to take hold of the Lord ; but Itaggered fore, came away with that it had been better I had not gone. But there I law how little I could do without Chrift, thought the Lord would come back again, and I had alonging tobe in heaven. Betwixt fermons I went to a place I will ever mind, and would have been content there to have ventured on eternity as I was; defertion, a body offin, &c..being very heavy, and recommending heaven to me. On the 30th of November, having prayed with confidence to - the Lord for light and direétiön concerning my palling trials be- fore the prefbytery of Stirling, which they had been for force time urging, as I have noticed above, I took up my Bible, and going to turn to myordinary, therecaft up to me Job xxii. 28. " Thou " (halt decree a thing, and it (hall be ettabli(hed unto thee : and. " ° the light thall thine upon thy ways." This pafage, was very refrefhful, coming Ib furprifingly, while I was turning to another place. The fpace of a year being near expired, without anymotionof a new bargain, on January L5. 1697, I wrote to Kennet, figni- fying, that I defired not to ftay, beingufelefs and in a fort nox- ious, in his family. This letter I chewed tor` the lady before I Lent it off, and,the quarrelled nothing in it ; we being both, I be- lieve weary. This done, finding my heart difpofed to fing, I fung in fecret Pfal. xxxvii. near the latter end ; whereby I was much cleared, and prayed cheerfully after. I was then, as it were, in fight of the Ihore of that troublons fea. A little after that, I found there was no hope of entering into Col. Erfkine's family; and on Feb. 17. juft the day before the year's expiring, I was told that Coulter had nomind to keep a pedagogue for my pupil. And thus Providence lhuflled me out ofbufiñefs of that kind, being entangled there, when a door was opened elfewhere ; which again was Phut when I was difentang r led ; thus working towar4s the leading me into bufinefs of ano No. i. C