Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

:32 MEMOIRS OF PERIOD V. Accordingly having got up the extrae of my licence, and teftimonials, on the 10th, I went away on the 15th ; and having come to my quarters at Edinburgh, I was overtaken witha faint- ing-fit. On the 17th I arrived in the bounds of the prefbyteryof Stirling. Providence having thus tried me in my native country, efpecial- ly in the affair of Abbay, I. was fo taught, that no place did ever after get fo much of my fond affeótion. But, notwithftanding WI the buftie made for the Laird's tranfportation to that place, it did not at this time take efleét : but, after I was gone, Mr George Horne minifter of Selkirk was, planted in it, he having been un- eafy in that public poft. And afterward, when I was a member of the prefbyteryof Churnfide, a procefs of drunkennefs was commenced againft Abbay, which yet-proved inefle&ual for his removal out of Aiton. But Mr Home being dead, he was at length, I think before I came to Ettrick, tranfported thither; the people by that time being taught more tamely to bear the yoke. PERIODV. Frommyremoval into the bounds ofthe prefbytery ofStirling, .tomy returnunto the Merfr. FIAVI come into the bounds aforefaid, I took up my lodg- ing with Thomas Brown of Barhill in 'Ferritown, with whom I had contraóted a particular friendlhip when I was at Kennet, he being a good man. I was once and again invited to Kennet's family to lodge there, but declined it; a plainevidence of no real inclination to fettle in Clackmannan parifh. I con- tinued with Thomas Brown while I remained in that country, which was near about a year : and in thefe days that text had weight with me, Go not'from houfe to houfe ;" judging that . courfe unworthy of the facred character. The parilhes which I preachedmoftly in, while in that country, were Clackmannan and Airth, and after force time Dollar, all of them being then vacant. The Lord was with me in my work there, and did Come good byme, efpecially in Airth and Dollar. The minifter I converted molt with was Mr Turnbull in Alloa, a fteady friend. Mr Hugh White in Larbert, a man of confiderable abilities, great piety and tendernefs, was alfo very friendly and afléotionate : but I had little occafion of converfe with him, be- ing on the other fide of Forth. Having preached force time in thefe parts, and before the prefbytery of Stirling on July 13. force of the parifh ofCarnock, in the prefbytery of Dunfermline, took occafion to hear me at Clackmannan and Airth. Whereupon I had two letters from Mr John Wylie, then minifter of Saline, afterwards of Clack mannan, inviting me to preach at Saline, a parifh neighbouring