410 MEMOIRS OF PERIOD,XII. and overlooked in the world : but I found the weight of the thought of parting with the parifh of Etterick, ot.herwite than by death, or civil violence, unlefs I faw them comfortably pro- vided. I obferved the diet of catechifing aforefaid ; but the day was fo very bad that few came to it, being at Kirkhop. The week following I had another at Buceleugh. Confidering my frailty, the feafon, and how Providence had, by the above- mentioned trial, carried me by the time I thought frtteft for the utmoft cor- ners of the parifh, I laid the matter before the Lord. And ri- fing early in the morning, I got a good feafonable day, vifited a lick man by the way, had a full allowance of ftrength for my work of catechifing, without failing of my fpirits, and got home again with day- light. This merciful conduót of Providence was big in my eyes. That week I finilhed fillingup thus far ; my eyes being now' fomewhat better, and the fore in the leg almoft whole ; but the . knee always fwelled, and the leg fwelling fomewhatin the day, and falling again in the night, the lainenefscontinuing, and the haft` Rill needed, and tared. On the foregoing Sabbath I flood lecturing ; but delivered the fermon fitting. But from the time I fell under the fore leg, I was freed from an oppreflion of my fpirits in the morning, as to fuch a degree thereof as I laboured under before that time. " He doth all things well." [Thus far the author proceeded in his narrative in November 1731, without refuming the f cbjec1; owing, no doubt, to his growing fraìliy. We nowfor a conclu zon, add thefeveral para- graphsformerly omitted, and referved till now.] And now, as for the Rateof my body, it was never very thong ; yet, confidering my manner of life, there feems to have been fomething in my conftitutjon, bona ftamina vitre, that has worn pretty well. A (harp cold, if withal I was dry, was agreeable to me, making me more vigorous than at other times. I had a very ftrong voice, till the notable breach in my health. I cannot fay that ever I took very well with riding; but I could have fupped better, after fitting all day in my clofet, than after coming home from the prefbytery at Selkirk. I remember not to have had, all my life, any formed ficknefs but twice ; once when I had the fmall pox ; and none at all fince I was a boy. However, I. have often been, fince that time, in apparent dan- ger of death, and under languithing indifpofition; and could hardly have thought to have feen fo many years, as I have now by the mercy ofGod paffed ; but was never to this day, that I remember, kept from preaching through indifpofition ; which, with my utmoft thankfulnefs, I delire to record, to the praile of free grace. I took very little care of my diet, ate whatfoever was laid to my hand; only for many years very little falmon, c