APPENDIX, ORIGINAL PAPERS. .:... No 1. Note onp. 255. 1. 4. at fmall THE fituation of the peopleof Etterick at this time, With re- gard to their entertainment of the gofpel, their'divilve temper, and's vexation and difquiet thereby occafioned, may be learned from the following extraóts of fermons preached this year, 1710. On the 25th of June he had begun an ordinary preparatory to the facrament, viz. Jer. 1. 4, 5. On the fait-day, July 13. he preached from that .elaufe, Going and weeping." The doarine obferved from which was, ' That the frame and exer- elfe fuitable to a covenanting time is, ` going and weeping.' Having Chewed that fuch a time thouldbe a going-time ; he pro- ceeded alto to thew, that it thould be a weeping-time. Here he exhorted the people to drop a tear for the cafe of the land, branching it out into feveral particulars of great importance, which want of room obliged us to omit. He then added as follows. . Go, weeping over the cafe of the congregation.' Weep over, 1. Our barrennefs under the means of grace. Ah1 howma- ny fermons are loft, for any benefit the molt part get of them ! How dead, Cupid, and unconcerned are we for the molt part! Generally, he that was filthy is filthy Rill. It is an obferve of fome on Luke xiii. 7. ,that if a minifter doany good in a place, it is ordinarily in the frrit three years of his miniftry. God for- bid it hold true in our cafe. If the gofpel meet with no better entertainment after, than for thefe three years paft, it would be telling many of you, that ye had never feen my face, nor I yours. I had fome experience that way elfewhere, and it was not fo in my cafe. e. The flight and contempt of gofpel- ordinances among us, Our pariah is not great, but our congregation is lefs, by reafon of the principles, paflrons, and prejudices, of not a few. But , 3 P2