420 MEMOIRS OF MR BOSTON. year, 1710, cenfuréd with fome freedom the people's itch for public things, -their contempt of the gofpel, their unfettled and giddy humour, &c. This fermon is printed in his Body of Divinity, vol. 3. p. 322. &j Avg. and deferves a ferious perufal. Notwithftanding there repeated warnings, many of the peo- ple were fo giddy and inconftant,.that, Sept, 3. thevery Lord's day that the author began his ordinary on Mark x. 21, 22. they deferted his min iftry, and event off to hear Mr Macmillan preach- ing, in the neighbourhood : which gave occafion to the following refleótion and awful rebuke, publicly given from the pulpit on the 10th. ` An unftable mind and judgment is very prejudicial. No wonder the tree wither that is never fait at the root, Eph. iv. 14. This was the one thing that, ruined the Galatians: for though they had received the Spirit by the hearing of faith, yet when Satan broke in on them with that, they quickly loft all the favoury imprefiìons they had of the hearing of faith. The wavering temper among us, I am confident, is no fmall hinder- ance in the way of the fuccefs of the gofpel. And as I beefs God for what ftability any of you have attained to, fo as for you that deferted the meffage I had from the_Lord to you this day . eight days, whether there were many of you or few, and joined yourfelves to thofe whole work it is to break down what we build up, and that after that folemn reproof of and lamentation over that practice, and of other heart- breaking pieces of your contempt of the gofpel, which was given on the fait-day, and after what ye heard and faw on the facrament-day, I do; as the meffenger of the Lord, in his name, rebuke you here as obftinate contemners of the meffage fent of God unto you, that this rebuke Rand before the Lord that fent me, till it be wiped out by repentance, and fleeing to the blood of Chrift for pardon ; and fo I leave it before him, who confirms the word of his fervants.' No 2. Note onp. 308. 1. 37. at p. 72. THIS docîrine reproves thofe who at this time are fecure, carelefs, and unconcerned fpe6tators of the prefent confufions, which is the prevailing plague among us at this day. Ah ! Sirs, " Shall a trumpet be blown in the day, and the people not be afraid ?" Amos iii. 6. Yes, we fee there are inch peo- ple. "The lion bath roared, who will not fear ?. the Lord God hath fpoken, who can but prophefy ?" verf. 8. Why, force will fleep full found amidit all the roarings of the Lord in his anger this day. Ah ! Sirs, our fleeping fo found in the fhip of this church and nation, while the ftorm is blowing, and the waves are like to fink it, if there were no more, is enough to prove the deep hand we have, like another Jonah, in raifi the ftorm. I know fume 1tí11 fay, to cloak their loathforne indifferency,