No 3. APPENDIX. 421 that it is not religion, but crowns and kingdoms they are fight- ing for. If it were fo, is their not a right and a wrong even in that? and why do not ye take part with the right, according to the fifth commandment? Is not even that, enough to make the landa field of blood ? and may not yours go among the rett? But pray you, Sirs, is religion no wife concerned, whether a Proteftant king or a Papift be on the throne ? whether an army of Papists and malignants, avowed enemies to the church of Scot- land, carry the day, or an army employed to break them ? Do the rebels fo much as pretend any favour to this church ? Are congregations laid defolate, mafs faid, and the Englith fervice let up, where they come, and yet religion not concerned in the matter ? It were telling religion that fach people pretended not to it, for the wayof God is ill fpoken of through their unreafon.. ablenefs. If ye believe what ye fay, I thinkye lie pretty fair for embracing Popery if it were come, feeing ye can already be- lieve things over the belly of fenfe and reafon., I tell you, that your fecurity and unconcernednefs at this time is more dangerous than ye are aware of: Pfal. xxviii. 5. Becaufe they regard not the works of the Lord, nor the o- pe$ation of his hands, he (hall deftroy them and not build them up." They do npt lie molt fafe that lie molt fecure, when the caufe of God is at {take. I mind what' word Mor- decai fent to Either, chap. iv. 14. " if thou altogether holdeft thy peace at this time, then thall there enlargement and de- liverance arife to the Jews from another quarter; but thou and thy father's houfe fhall be deftroyed." I remember that he was, burnt in his own houfe, that faid he could not burn for'Chritt : Matth. xvi. 25. " For whofoever fave his life thall lofe it ; and whofoever will lofe his life for my fake, that!, find it." We have made ourfelves fingular in our back- wardnefs and . unconcernednefs in the caufe of God at this time, beyond all our neighbours : take heed God make not our ftroke as remarkable, as our backwardnefs and unconcerned- nefs has been, ere all be done." No. 3. Note onp. 351. 1. 33. at papers. 'As thefe overtures, Of admifflon to th.e4Lord's'table, and de- barring from it, are excellent in . themfelves, were crowned with fuccefs in the author's own praltice, and feem to be pe- culiarly feafonable at this day, it has been judged proper to give the following exalt copy of them, taken from the author's original. 1. Admiffron to the Lord's table, and debarring from it, being alts of church difcipline and government in a particular congregation, belong to the feffion of the congregation, and are not to be exercifed by any minifter or elder by thenafelves, nor