422 MEMOIRS OF MR BOSTON. any fociety of minifters and elders in an extrajudicial capa. city. 2. Befides the ordinary examinations in parifhes, it is meet there be diets of examination particularly for non-communi- cants, and fpecially thofe of the younger fort. And for this end, that once every year at leaft, efpecially before the cele- bration of the facrament of the Lord's fupper in the congre- gation, minifters, from the pulpit, exhort and ftir up non-com- municants to ferious godlinefs, and the ufe of the means of knowledge ; and intimate to all fuch as delire to be prepared to partake of that ordinance, that they give in their names to him, and wait on the diets of catechifing to be appointed for fuck. 3. The names of fuch as offer themfelves to be inftruc6ted, in order to their being admitted to the Lord's table, are to be kept in a roll feparate from that of the whole congregation, and to be brought_ into the feffion, and read before them ; that it may be recommended to all the brethren, to have a parti- cular eye on the inrolled, each efpecially on thofe of his own diftriét; to excite, admonifh, and exhort them, to a walk be- coming the gofpel, and the high privilege they are afpiring to. 4. When a non -communicant removes out of one parifh into another, it were fit that he produce fufficient teftimonials from the place of his former abode, before he be inrolled amongft thofè who have offered themfelves to be inftruóted as above faid, in the congregation to which he comes. 5. When one delires to be admitted to the Lord's table, he is in due time to intimate his delire to the feffion, that they may maturely confider of it. But it were fit, that the party Mould in the firft place acquaint the minifter with his purpofe ; who, if he finds he has not made a competent proficiency by the pains taken on him, in the examinations of non-commu- nicants, or otherwife, may advife him yet to forbear for a time. 6. The feffion, entering on this affair, a ftriót inquiry is to be made among the members, particularly at the elder or elders of the diftri& which the party belongs to, concerning his life and converfation ; whether he be guilty of any fcandal; owns, fubmits to, and ordinarily attends, the ordinances of Chrift, the public and private worfhip of God ; if he be of a pious and fober deportment, aßí reputed to he a worfhipper of God in fe- cret ; and if he be the head ofa family, whether he worfhips God in his family. 7. Ifnothing be found on that part to hinder his admifion to the Lord's table, the feffion convening, on a fet day in the place of public worfhip, and the doors being open, that all the communicants, and thofe who have offered themfelves to be inftru&ted as above faid, may have accefs, if they pleafe ; he is, in face of feffion, to give proof of his knowledge of the principles of the. Chriftian .religion, and particularly of the na-