Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

No 3. APPENDIX. 423 ture, ufe, and ends, ;f the ordinance of the (upper, by making a confeffion of his fteh, either in the way of a continued dif- courfe, or by anfwering quéttions thereupon propofed by the minifter. 8. And here fpecial confideration is to be had of force who are known. to be ferious, and willing to learn, yet are weak ; namely, that the queftions to be propofed to them, fo as they may be anfwered by Yes, or No ; or that the truth and error be both laid before them, and they afked which of them they believe. 9. The trial being ended, the feffion is to judge, whether the party be endowed with competent knowledge of the principles of the Chriftian religion, or not. 10. And if they be fatisfied in this alto, the party is to be put explicitly to content to the covenant, (whereof he delires the feal), to be the Lord's, live unto him, and ferve hire ail the days of his life, by anfwering exprefsly the following (or the like) queftions. 1. Do you believe the doétrine -of the Shorter Catechifm of this church, fo far as you underftand the fame, to be the true do&rine agreeable to the holy fcriptures, and refolve through grace, to live and die in the profeffion of the fame? 2. Do. you cenfent'to take God in Chrift to be your God, the Father to be your Father, the Son to be your Saviour, and the Holy Ghoft to be your San&iffier ; and that, renouncing the devil, the world, and the flefh, you be the Lord's for ever? 3. Do you eonfent to receive Chrift as he is offered in the gofpel, for your prophet, prieft, and king giving up yourfelf to him, to be led and guided by his word and Spirit ; looking for falvation only through the obedience and death of Jefus Chrift, who was crucifiedwithout the gates of Jerufalem ; promifing, in his ftrength, to endeavour to lead a holy life, to forfake every, known fin, and to comply with every known duty ? 4. Láftiy, Do you promife to fubje& yourfelf to ex- hortation, admonition, and rebuke, and the dilcipline of the church, in cafe (which God forbid) you fall into any fcandalous fin? 11. The party having ptofeffed, contented, and promifed, as above fáid, is to be admitted to the table of the Lord, by a fentence of the fefl'ion ; which is to be recorded in their regi- fter, and an extra& thereof allowed to be given him, when called for. 1H. It were fit, that the names of all thofe who, from time to time, are admitted to the Lord's table, be inrolled in a bound book belonging to the feflìon. 13. And how often foever that ordinance be adminiftered in a congregation, the aforefaid roll of thole who have at any time been admitted, is always to be read over diftin&iv, in pretence the feffion, force competent time before, and the members No. g. 3 G