424 MEMOIRS OF MR BOSTON. required to declare, if they know any thi,g againft the Iife and converfàtion ofany of them. 14. If any thing be obje&ed, the feffion is to order private exhortation or admonition, or lift the accufed before them, as they íhall fee ground, and find the matter to require. And this is to be fo managed, as that the accufed be-fifted, as aforefaid, on report concerning the private exhortation or admonition made, before the time of the admiftration of the facrament. But thofe who have once been orderly admitted, are at no time after to be denied the privilege they were admitted to, except in the cafe of fcandal ; for which they are to be debarred by the feffion, till they have r moved the fcandal according to the difcipline of the church : Which done they are reftored to their former church-ftate.' No 4. Mr Gabriel Wilfon'sfpeech before the Synodof Merle and Teviotdctle, in defence of hisfermon preached before that finod, Oct. 1721. See p. 377. MODERATOR, How many foever may be otherwife minded, this day I take to be a day of the Lord'ealoufy and indignation on all ranks and conditions of men, and on all focieties and affemblies. The anger of the Lord haslet us on fire round about, yet we know it not ; and though it confumes us, we lay it not to heart. Of all which this prefent occafion, being fuch an one as I know not if the like, in all its circumftances, has happened in any Reformed church fince Calvin's days, is an inflance none of the leaft not- able and difcernible. Moderator, According to the meafure of the gift beftowed on me, I delivered before this Reverend Synod, what I took to be the Lord's mind and meffage by me. In which meffage, I, ac- cording as I conceived thefdate ofreligion in thefe lands required, and as my fubject led me, endeavoured to witnefs for truth, and againft fin. Among others, I offered my poor and mean tcfti- mony to that glorious gofpel- truth, the Juftificationand falvation of loft and undone (inners by free grace, without works, through faith in a crucified Saviour ; where, at the fame time, the un- alterable obligation of the law of God upon believers, and the necellity of holinefs in the redeemed, was in the firongeft and plaineft termsafferted. I likewife bore witnefs,,not immodeftly, as *thought, though fomewhat plainly, against fin, the defec- tions of former and prefent times, for which I did, and do ftill, apprehend the Lord's anger is not turned away, but his hand is flretched out (till. Upon fbme words, Moderator, and occafional pafláges, in my enlargement on thefe two heads, am I this day called in,queftion before this court. Moderator, It is known all the world over, and will be while