428, MEMOIRS OF MR. BOSTON. on an occafion the molt folemnand public he ever had before, or was like to have again. Whereas, or at the fame time, it may be eafily feen, thefe meafures tend to difcourage all faithfulnefs and plaindealing for the time to come, be the evidence or afpeet of affairs in the church what it will ; which, therefore, fome will perhaps think might have fallen lefs unfeafonablyout in fome other junóture than this. 'Moderator, However contemptible I may be in the eyes of many, this pieceofconduót being fo very extraordinary, and of fuch a confpicuous judicatory in the church of Scotland, will be under the obfervation and examination of, not only both friends and enemies at home among ourfelves, but of ftrangers (I doubt not) afro: for all people are at this day wrefiling for liberty, and many will be curious to look into a cafe reckoned to have fo unfavourable an afpeet upon it. To conclude, Moderator, I can fay it in truth, though my brethren and mother's children have been very angry with me, and have dealt roughly with me, my Lord and wafter has not yet, to my difcerning, difcovered himfelf difpleafed with me on the account of that fermon, or ofany one thing in it. No.doubt, he faw many more faults, and other fort of ones, than you can find ; yea, the whole performance, I know, was full of blemifhes, and would not at all abide a trial at the bar of his holy law : yet I believe he has gracioufly pardoned all, and will never article me on that head ; which, though it may be of no confideration with others, nor do I defire it fhould be of any, yet it isof great importance to me. And as for the little remarks fome people make on it, I believe I may venture to fay, he laughs at them ; nay, I will fay more, Moderator, I believe he will deliver me out of all this trouble I am meeting with on the account of it, when fuch as feek my hurt have done their worft and utmoft againft me : yea tho' I íhould be toffed like a broken veffel to aífemblies and commiffions, I am not afraid of the iffue. But though in fuch an event I may be delivered, allow me to fay it, Moderator, tho' it may feem bold, it (hall not, I hope, befound irrelevant ; and was their foul in my foul's ftead, none here pre- fent would think much of any thing I have yet fáid, or am going to fay ; whoever (hall fend me there, I regard their doing fo, can import no lefs than that they reckon me worthy of death, or of bonds, neither of which I deferve at the hand of man; they íhall be held guilty of my blood before the Lord. To the above isfubjoined another fpeech. MODERATOR, I own the copy by me delivered to the brethren appointed by the fynod to receive the fame, to be a true copy of the notes or papers from which I preached the fermon before the lift fynod ;