No 4. dPPENDIX. 429 and that the faid copy contains nothing but what is my fenti- ments ; and being favourably conftruóted, will be found, I hope, to bear no ground of offence. The additions, being moftly of words deficient, tranfitions, or enlargements upon heads barely named in the papers, together with the filling up of forne pieces of the method propofed, but left blank, are all diltin&tlymarked, and do not touch the feufe of what is in the notes ; nor do I crave any benefit of them: But for as much as ought to be prefumed, that the Reverend Synod did peremptorily require the copy aforefaid, only in order to fatisfy themfelves as to tome particular points touched in the fermon, and not out of it to form a libel, or draw articles againft me, upon which I may be judged in order to cenfure ; and finte I neither did, nor could exactly repeat thefe notes or papers in the pulpit, and likewile lince many things in them were not at all delivered, and other things were delivered that were not in the faid notes, which neverthelefs are now added in their proper places, fo far as I could remember them, and feveral things were delivered pur- pofely in other and frnoother words than were written : I do proteft the faid copy cannot be improved to the forming of a libel or articles againft me, as laid is ; and that the ufing it to filch a purpofe, would be in et%b& to make me mineown acculer, contrary to the word of God, the form of prgcefs, and the natural rights of mankind ; and alto that the faid copy can never be ufed, and fuftained as probative, in any procefs againft me, or1 the account of the fermon above mentioned. Arid finally, that which I may reckon myfell concerned to fay here on this affair, for fatisfying the committee as to my fentirnents on the heads they may be pleated to bring into queftion, fhall not militate againft me in any procefs upon the account of thefe heads, or that fermon aforefaid. Upon all which I take inftru- ments in the clerk's hands. No 5. Note on p. 399. i. 1. at follò. THISMS. with the addition of three chapters more, which the reader will find taken notice-of' in the fequel of thefe memoirs, confifting in wholeof352 pages, is preferved, and will be publith- ed, if encouragement be given. The author intended it for the prefs, and left it prepared for that purpofe. Concerning this Rffay on the Hebrew text of Genets, the au- thor wrote the following memorial, when a copy of it was lent to Mr Grant at London. 1. The defign of it is, to explain the text immediately from the Hebrew phraleology. For that effeét, the facred He- brew pointing, or ftiwalology, is religiouflythick to, and expreif- ed in the verfìons by equivalent ftops ;.,.,and in the rigidly lip teral verfion, the words are generally ranged according, to their