No 6. APPENDIX. 431 which it muff be printed, if deemed worthy to fee the light, is in my clofet. I do not remember that I have fo much asfeen, far lefs reviled, the whole of the other, now at London, it be- ing kept partlyat Edinburgh, and partly at Aberdeen, till it was lent thither.' No 6. Note on p. 409. 1. 15. at paragraph. 'THE copy of the paragraph here mentioned is as follows. `'I fincerely defined to have been ufeful to you, to my power, fince you were fettled in the neighbourhood and that was the fpring of fome parts of my conduct. But we having now twice encountered, you treating of faith, and I of repentance, and again you of repentance, and I of faith, I perceive our Efrain is fb very different, that there feems to me to be a danger in our* encounteringbefore amultitude from feveral places in the country wherein our loft is calf. However venturous others may be, I, who have had about twenty years experience of the temper of ' the people in thefe parts, would be very inexcufeable if I fhould K not be wary.' No 7. Note on p. 470. i. 16. at accentuation. THE following is a copy of the memorial here mentioned. 1. The Englifh copy of the Effay on the Hebrew accentua- tion, being written feveral years before the Latin copy, there are Tome things in the former altered in the latter: particular- ly, ot.e whole feátion is dropped, being, I fuppofe the 3d of the 5th chapter ; another chapter or feétion is tranfpofed ; and there are fome few alterations and amendments of another kind made in the writing it over in Latin. Being lent off in a time when I was otherwife hufy, I had no accefs to take a note of thefe things. However, it will givea view of the nature of the whole eflày : but it is not fit for the prefs. 2..No body needs to be amufed at the fight of the chapters and feótions of the fecond part, intitled, Obf'ervations, 4.e. as if they contained fo many rules for the underftanding the art itfelf. That is taught in the chapters or fections preceding refpecfively ; and there are but fá, many helps offered, for the praétical ufe of the art, in order to reach the true fenfe of the facred text by means thereof: and therefore none of the books teaching the art, which have as -yet come into my hands, had any thing in them of that. kind. Befides, one who embraceth the notion of the fixed value of the accents, and withal underftands and obferves the five heads ofrhetorical accentuation mentioned in the fpecimeu, will hardly find a new labour, I hope, in thefe obfervations ; but in reading attentively his Bible, will obferve No. 9. 3 H