No 9. APPENDIX. 435 of faith, matters are accordingly fet at rights. It is in this way that, in the Lord's ftrength, we are to look out for his kind Bat- tering the clouds, and making us to hear, and to give in to the voice of his rod. It is by faith the foul mutt be moulded into a ferehe compofure of mind, and a kindly compliance with the Lord's heart-weáning methods of providence. It is in this way of believing, that we mutt take up with God alone for our por- tion and great all ; and leek to have all our Iofles and wants made up and fupplied in him who has proclaimed hirnfelf God all- flifficient. D. Sir, yours very afleótionately, H. DAVIDSON. (2.).V. Dear Sir, May 11. 1730. YOURS bearing t he refolve about the facrament came tohand fome weeks ago. Difficulties takingrife in holy wile Providence from your own circumftances, and likewife from thofe of your ordinary afiìltants, I make no doubt, have caufed various thoughts not a little perplexing to every one of us : I would fain hope, the Lord on our head, as the breaker up going be- fore, will make the way clear. When we are fàying among ourfelves, and within ourfelves, who {hall roll us away the (tone? he will poffibly thew us the ftone, though very great, rolled away. The account of your weaknefs, and your wife's diftref, gave me no little pain : infinite wifdom and love make all things work together for good his ways and thoughts are above ours; in due time, the perplexing riddles (hall be fully expounded, and it (hall then be feen, what we are now to believe, that our God and guide bath not taken one wrong ftep ; and that un- queftionably he had a very good reafbn for whatever he did. We mutt account that our Lord hath ever gone the heft way that could have been ` gone, in all that is pate, and we thould have no doubting thoughts about what he will do afterwards. D. Sir. I give you no trouble at prefent with any account of my circumftances ; may I be helped to wait on and not weary ; and may his rich bleffing make the affliçîing rod fruitful. I remain, V. Dear Sir, Yours affeótionately, H. DAVIDSON. (3) V. Dear Sir, Galafhiels, Dec.. 30. 1730. To have owned my receipt of your kind letters, three of them with Mr Glafs's pamphlet, has been often refolved. The delay has been much owing to bodily diforder, by no means to a want ofdue refpect and gratitude. My long filence after your writ- ing once and again made it appear neceffary to me to fay, fb much by way apology.. The whole of our time is divided be- tween fummer and winter, heat and cold, night and day, a con- ftant revolution there is of ftorms and a calm. There is a