Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

438 MEMOIRS OF MR BOSTON. No 11. Extract ofa letter from Mr Grant to the Author, dated June 8. 1730, mentioned p. 471. 1. G. at Fourfold State. fly former letters to our worthy and dear friend Mr. Hogg, will give you akolerable accout of that rare gentleman Sir Richard Ellys, and of your obligations to him ; tho' I own it is much above me togive either his charaóter, or exprefs how much you are obliged to him. But I cannot help frying, that I do fincerely think, that there is ground of many thtnkfpivings to fovvreign grace, that we have in our ifland a gentleman óf his rank, (being one of the firft for birth and eftate in England), and one of the able fcholars in it, who, I hope and am per- fuauled, is fich a pleafant fcholar in Chrift's fchool, and is let in to the wonders and glories offreegrace, and whofe foul thirfis after further and further difcoveries of the purity and beautyof the gof- pel. He has manya time warmedmy heartyto hear him fpeak of, that fubjeét. He fpeaks indeed of grace like one that has feen its glory, felt its power and tatted its fweetnefs. There is one amongst many lovely accounts he was pleated to communicate to me, which I aif fatisfied will be pleating to you, viz. that when e was a bigotted Arminian, God was pleated to give an old gentlewoman, of an underftanding entirely weak as to every thing but free grace and the myftery of Christ, an uncommon concern about him, at whofe notions of Christ and grace he was wont to laugh. However a fovereignand gracious God made this weak woman conquer this Goliath, and teach this Rabbi. O1 withwhat refpeci he talks of her memory ! and O ! what a glorious demo ftration does he reckon fach a one of the reality of divine teaching, who knows nothing of the world, has weak underftanding of all the concerns of human life, but knows more of the myfteries of the kingdom of heaven t.l to thoufands of fcholars, nay, and thoufands of divines! She died full of the faith and hopes, that God would take care of him, and keep him by his power through faith to falvation. Your Fourfold State has engaged his heart to you : he has made prefents of it to feveral * of his friends, and made:another great man, Sir John Philips, purchafe it, who fiys, free grace iz; his Bible, and admires your book, reads it daily himfeif, and makes all his family read it. This gentleman, Sir Richard allures me, is a nian of great worth, and has a great concern about the declining of religion, and has a noble public fpirit for doing good. No 12. A letterfrom the Author to Sir Richard Ellys, Bt, men- tioned p. 407. 1. 14. at Ellys. Honoured Sir, Etterick-manfe, June 13. 1730. I I' was no !'mall encouragement to me, to- find by my good