Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

No 14. APPENDIX. 441 7agnis tarnen excidit au as, you know, is given as no mean chaî'ader. The fpecimen has been Ihewed to Meff. Schultens and A- braham Gronovius, the two belt judges of that fort of learning at Lydell; or perhaps in all Holland. I thall not trouble you with their anfwer, our common friend Mr Grant having under- taken to fend it you verbatim; but this I mutt fay, it pleafed nie. The fpecimen is, I fuupofe, before this time, in the hands of Mr Loftus at Rotterdam, who has promifed me to examine it himfeif, put it into the handsófothers, and then give me his and their impartial fentiments. And now, Sir, I have a favour to beg of you, or rather I in- lift upon it, that you think of me fometimes in your molt reti- red hours. It is what I defire with tome earneftñefs ; and rec- kon I have a fort of right to it, as being your hearty-well wither and friend, though unknown to you, as well as, dear Sir, your very humble fervant, R. ELLYS. No 14. A fecond letter from the Author to Sir Richard Ellyn, mentionedp. 487. 1. 15. at retenti% Etterick-manfe, Dec. 31. 1730. Honoured Sir, OFTEN have I been made to adore that fovereign gracious hand, which painted into the much- negleóted path travelled in, in the MSS. fome time ago fent from hence ; and which, in de- pendence upon him, opened a paffage through feveral thickets there, in which I found myfelf entangled; having frequently been in finch a fituation therein, that when I had fet down one foot, I knew not where to fet down another. But when, by the divine favour, I had got through it in Tome meafure, fuch as was comfortable to myfelf, and might, I apprehended, be of force ufe to the church of God, my friendlefs circumftances were perplexing. Thefe have for feveral years been matter of exercife to me ; and, I am not afhamed to own, hay,. often made me to cryunto my God, who doth all things for nie, that he would raife up inftruments for the work. And now, Sir, that, after difappointments and difcouragements froth feveral 3I2