Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

No 15. APPENDIX. 443 faith, hope, and patience, do yet, in the Lord's own time, open of their own accord. Howeer, other kinds of,mercies may fall hito the lap of the receiver fitting at eafe. The MS on the covenant of grace is not as yet returned to me, but expeéted shortly. I will greedily embrace an oppor- tunity of putting it into your,hand, how Ibon I can : being ex- ceedingly refrefhed with the accounts of your favour and relith of the doctrine of the free grace of God in Chrift Jefus, the foundation of all our hopes. 1 own the great civility of your Honour's noticing your not writing me ; though I think the circumftantiate cafe leaves not an apology to be neceffary. If at any time I fhall have the he,. nour of a few lines at your hand, it will be very acceptable; but while you thew filch a warm concern otherwife, I can be in no pain about it. If you have had any leifure to glance the MSS. your judgment and remarks thereon would be an additional favour. I hope you will pardon the prolixnefs of this, fince it is oc- cafioned by the multiplicity of your favours, and the warm fenfe of them had by,Honoured Sir,your Honour's moft obliged, and moft obedient humble fervant, T. BOSTON. No. 15. A third letterfrom the Author to Sir Richard Ellys, men. tionedp. 4S8. 1. 11. at Sir Richard. Honoured Sir, Yefterday I had thehonour ofyours, which added exceedingly to the fatisfaétion I had before in your favours. I fincerely de- clare, that the friendlinefs and opennefs of it outdid any thing I had been able to expeét, notwithftanding of the liignal proofs you had been pleafed to give me of your kindnefs, and which were then freih in my view. The regard you are pleafed to have for me, I accept with all humility and gratitude, imputing it to the Lord's touching of your heart or a particular defign. As to what concerns literature, I have a fecret pleafure and glorying in infirmities, that the power of Chrift may reft upon me, and more fatisfaótion in the character of a little child leading, than if I were capable of fpeaking and writing on all the parts of learning. Your judgment of the valuablenefs of the defign or end aimed at in the MSS. which judgment fpeaks a becoming regard to the very words of the Holy Ghoft, I am much Etterick- manfe, Jan. 2. 1731.