NO 16. APPENDIX. 445 very few books' written purpofely for that effe&. I have but two of them, viz. Crofs's Taghmical Art, and Wafmuth's Inftittttiones accent. If either of them could have fatisfied me, they had faved me a confiderable labour. I have employed, fbme to get me other two but they have not found them. I hope I have, through the Welling of our gracious God, attained to tome infight into this matter. I will no longer fay, if it be a delufion ; but feveral difficulties there are, which I fee, that I know not how to get through ; befides others, which (it is like) I fee not. But, in dependence on the fame Father of lights, who, in other points of the faine kind, has been pleafed to guide me through thickets, where I could ditcern no outgate when I entered them, I defign to-prefs forward in the fìudy ; and if any effay of mine on thattiibje&might prevail to awaken the learned to the further ftudy of that point, it might be reckoned good fervice. I have fome materials prepared, though I fee I want force others. I cannot obtain it of myfelf, to fall at this feafon in queft of them ; but in regard my health and ftrength are not fo firm as before, and that I know not what may befal me, I defire (if the Lord will) this winter to begin to put in formwhat I have, that it may not be ufelefs to others, in cafe Providence donot allow me to finifh it. As for printing-expences, there is no, occafion to fpeak of that : he only knows whether ever I thaii have any ding of that nature prepared for the prefs, or not. Sir, I have imparted this matter to you out of an earneft defire that you wad be concerned in pruer for me with re fpecl to the bufinefs of fo great importance, that, if it be his holy will, I may have lifeand health, and the light of his Spirit, to lead me into all truth ; that he will make . darknefs light be fore me, and crooked things ftraight, in this matter particuláíly. I do not delire it to be propaled, nor would it be prudent for me to do it, the matter not being ripe, and it remaining doubt- ful ifever it (hall be fo. But I am content you impart it to the . Ionourable Perfon you fpeak of, if you judge it proper. As for Buxtorf De punais, I {hall be obliged to any who will get me a loan of it ; but I would rather have it of my own ; and I fuppofe you have correfpondents both in London and Holland ; and if you could help me that way, I would delire the favour of yoyigto do it; not only to that book, but to the other two I (poke _ of before. I hope to hear from you by,the bearer; and con- tinue, dear Sir, yours, &c. Sept. 25. 172' . (2.) D. Sir, I received yours with the inclofed letter and paper ; the which