Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

452 MEMOIRS OP MR ROSTON. an order in it, though imperceptible to our eyes, and the feveral drops keep their ranks according to the word of command. I am, with the molt endeared refpeéts, &c. p Auguft 6. 1726. (9.) Dear Sir, As to the matter of the facrament not celebrated here this feafon, fume things falling out in our feffion did put me off from aiming at it in our ufual time ; which I was otherwife of thoughts of as ordinary: but when it was fo determined to pafs the diet, the extreme diftrefs of my wife did perfe&ly confirm me in it. We have had a heavy fummer of it in that refile& ; which yet continues. We exceedingly need the prayers of our friends ; and know, that feveral do carry our afflicted cafe be- fore the Lord ; and hope, that he will at length incline his ear to hear, though the afflidted.cries, " Why are his chariot - wheels fo long in coming ?" It feems we are not yet fufficiently humbled, and ripe for deliverance. May the Lord himfelf fend forth humbling influences, and fo prepare our hearts,' and caufe his ear to hear. For my own part, I am much as when you faw Ise ;, the Lord íäl1 affording me ítrength to go on in the work I was then engaged in ; and am not without hopes, that he will carry me through it. It would be comfortable to hear of a favourable turn in your wife's afflicted cafe ; but whatever be in that, the time will come, when the Lord's children, prifoners ofaffil &ion and iron, as the words of the Holy Ghoft are, Pfal. cvii. 10. will be as light, flee, and eafy, as if never an iron had been on their legs, and aflli&ions on their fpirits, nor a prifon-door clofed on them, if the fun, that is making poft-hatte, had made a few rounds snore. I am, &c. June 5. 1727. (10.) V. D. Sir, The bearer comes for the wine, and will take the fame quan- tity as ufual ; though I apprehend our throng here will not be fo great as fóme time heretofore, the fame ordinance being to be celebrate the fame day in two places in the neighbourhood from whence people ufe to come hither. The bruited ferpent, who ordinarily is not idle among us at fuch a time, has given us a broad-fide at this time ; but I hope our Lord will fee to his own honour. I remember the word, " A great door, and effe&ual is opened ; and there are many enemies." Our letters thew us to be companions in tribulation ; and I