456 MEMOIRS OE MR BOSTON. ble advances this feafon, in point of growing weaknefs; and the. gravel has come heavily on me, in fo much that the two lait weeks I had two fore fits of it each week, and flill it hangs about . I am, D. Sir, yours, &c. me. April 13. 1728. (14.) V. D. Sir, It is long now fince we had an occafion to the town. We have had a very threatening feafon, and the effeóts ofthe Lord's anger are found in the country, both on the fown ground, and on the flocks. And I fee the Lord's own children, in common calamity, mils not their leal (hare ; fo that all falls alike to all in refped of the matter. But O the difference that there is in the manner of conveyance ! The two covenants are very diffe- rent channels of conveyance ; and it is the work of faith to per- ceive the coming of trials in the way of the covenant of grace wherein the heavieft things bring down bleflìngs with them. It has been fornething relieving to me of late, in confideration of the Lord's hand, gone out againft me, and many of my dear friends in Chrift, that whereas it is now a time of the church's peace ; and others that went before us in the way of the Lord to the kingdom, through much tribulation, fome fuffering the fpoiling of their goods, fome long and tedious imprifonments, fome the lofs of their relations, lives, &c. and all thefe were needful to purify and make them white in giving evidence of their love to the Lord ; the Lord is making up that want to us another way, bringing about to us, by his own immediate hand, or by the hands of naughty men, the fame things on the matter as he did formerly by the hand of perfecutors. Now it is his to make choice of the manner of our trial; it is our part to take it as they did ; and our work (hall be rewarded, even our fuf- fering work. My wife is brought through the additional florin ; and it pleafed the great manager not to carry her back again into the main fea at the time 1 lait wrote to you. She is now returned to her ordinary, which is great and continued trial ; but of late the Lord has been pleafed to makehis refreíhing vifits to her foul fomewhat more frequent than formerly. I long to hear how it is with your wife, the prifoner of Jefús Chrift with you : they will both hear at length, " Woman, thouart looted from thine infirmity." And I am, V. D. Sir, yours affec- tionately.