458 MEMOIRSOF MR BOSTON. fay, it becomes his wifdom : but when we look into it with our eyes, there are fo many turnings and windings in it, fo many black fteps, we know not what to make of it many times. But O ! to think of the view will he got of it in Immanuel's own land. We will he wrapt into admiration of that afcent, and fee the beauty of every ftep thereof, &c. I am with great regard for you and yours, V. D. Sir, &c. (17.) D. Sir, My daughter gives but a lorry account of your wife's health. Thefe bodies of ours, that bear the image of the firft Adam, are pieces of wretched matter ; and mutt be more fo, till they be reduced to dull, of which they were originally framed. But we mutt comfort ourfelves in the believing expectation of the new-falhioning of them, after the image of the fécond Adam, the Lord from heaven in which fathion they will be incorrup- tible, glorious powerful and fpiritual bodies. It is obferved, that bodies, the higher they are lifted up towards heaven, they be- come lefs ponderous, the lighter : this may help to fome notion of the fpiritualnefs of our railed bodies, when all relation be- twixt them and this curled earth is diffolved, and we are in hea» ven. I am, Dear Sir, affedionately, &c. Nov. 22. 1729. O&obey 31. 1730. (18.) D. Sir, I had yours of the 14th, and was much concerned with the account of your wife's low condition. You and the have my fympathy and concern before the Lord. I am perfuaded he minds better things for you both, than the eafe and comforts of this life ; and by there ingredients in your lot here, is pre- paring you for the better life : and though you do not fenfibly perceive much fuccefs at the time, yet afterwards the fruit will appear. I am convinced there are ads of faith, refignation, luftings againft the fleth, and old man, approbation of the di- vine procedure in trials, &c. which, in a Chrittian's ftruggle, are excited., and which we little notice, for that apparent rarce nantes in gurgite vatio, that will yet at length be found recorded of God, as fo many good works to he rewarded by him, and to our furprife. Therefore be ftedfaft, unmoveable, always a- bounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour thall not be in vain in the Lord. If you have any delire to fee the notes on the worm th,re/hing the mountains, delivered at Maxton, call for them from Mrs S. who got them from me.