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No 17. APPENDIX. 465 impreffions, nor any thing elfe of that kind, whatever indulgence the Lord makes to force of his people in foine circumftances but lay you the matter before the Lord, and yourfelf open to the divine determination, and believe the promife ofdirection, with application to your own cafe, firmly trufting that he will be as cod as his word, Prov. iii. 6. Pfalms xxv. 9. and xxxii. S. to you : and then, depending on the promife of Heaven's direc- tions, fet yourfelf as a Chriftian man to perceive what in the circumftances appears reafonable to be done ; to the clearing whereof, obfervation of concurring dif'penfations of Providence notably contributes, that being in many cafes the finger of God pointing out our way. In this way of management, there is a real communion with God to be had in providences, as in ordi- nances, Pf'al. cvii. ult. You have here my whole day's work. I am at my ne plus ultra, my diftref's being confderabie, whereof there is force ac- count in the inclofed. The eternal God be your refuge ; and underneath the everlafting arms, may he be eyes, and all to you in the wlldernefs ! Kindly remembering your fon, I am, in the ftraiteft bonds, V. D. Sir, yours moft affectionately, &c. P. S. I have got Mr Du Pont's letter. I am forry Prof. Mauritius had not vouchfafed a few lines to me for the many Iheets I fent him. The Lord has for my trial reftrained him, and I take it kindly off that hand ; but I keep foot in the main under the feveral pieces of that treatment : Quint f duraflex autftet cantes. No 17. Letterfrom the Author to the Reverend Mr dames Hogg minfer of the gofpel at Carnock. Nov. 24. 1727. R. and V. D. Sir, YOURS of the 22d September came to my hand O&. 28. and I have taken this very firft occafion to make you a return, that I may ¡hew the cordial fyrnpathy I have with you in your aflli6ted lot, and may not put you to a tirefome waiting for any thing that can come front ne to you, from whom I would rather hear, than fpeak to in fuch matters. I could not but think, that the very writing of your letter to me, behoved, through the divine bleffing accompanying it, to be of nIe to you in your al- flidtion for your comfort. Sure I am it was an apt mean; though the moft fit means can of themfelves effect nothing, but onlyas they are blown upon by the fpirit, and fo rendered effecitual to their ends. The account you gave of the fituation of matters 3M {2