MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE, TIME, AND WRITINGS, OF THE REVEREND AND LEARNED THOMAS BOSTON, A. M. Sometime Miniffer at SIMPRIN, afterwards at ETTERICK, DIVIDED INTO TWELVE PERIODS. Written by HIMSELF, and addreffed to his CIILDRErr. Now firfì, publifhed from his own Manufcripts. To which are added, SOME ORIGINAL PAPERS, AND LETTERS TO FROM THE AUTHOR. Thou which haft (hewed me great and fore troubles,(halt quicken me again, and(halt bring me up againfrom the depths of the earth. Thou (halt in- creafe my greatnef, andcomfort me on every fide. PSAL. lxxi. 20, 21. Come and hear, all ye thatfear God, and I will declare what he bath don for my foul. PSAL. lxvi. 16. The righteous(hall be in everlafting remembrance, PSAL. cxii. 6, By it he being dead, yetfpeaketh. HER. xi. 4. Z2rtuÍdi PRINTED .BY,*''GRAC!s.$ . FOR J. RENNISON, 130-