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MR THOMAS BOSTON. tnyfelf called to biefs God for what he had given me. And now my confidence in the Lord was raifed, and my foul bleflèd the Lord : ïr am his ; let him do what feemeth him good with me. Catching my heart at the feafon when it was willing, I went to God again, and poured out my foul ; but really had not freedom to harp longer on light as to the main thing, the accepting of Simprin, (but rather to feels God's pretence to go withme) ; for this féemed to me now aimed, if not altogether, a tempting of God, who bath already made my way clear. Further, I ob- ferved, 1. In the Lord's way of dealing with me, that the Lord has brought about for me what I was moft againft. A notable in- fiance parallel to this I had at the palling my firft trials ; in that I was brought to pafs them in my own country, which of all o- ther places was left in my eye. This way of Providence with me I have fo often obferved, thatI have thought indeed fuch or fuch a thing would come to pafs, juft becaufe I was averfe to it. And as to this bulinefs, betides my averfion to the wholecountry, Simprin, by any place of it, I never dreamed of, and was very much againft it fince it was talked of. 2. The Lord had hitherto prevented filch remoras in this bu- finefs. as I expebted, other three irons in the fire with this, having all got leave to cool, viz. t. Mr Maur had refolved to en- deavour, that I fhould be invited to their prefbytery of Dunferm- line ; but there was no word from him. 2. Mr Murray had told me, he would haften home to prevent my fettling in the Mere ; but I had not heard from him. 3. The affair of Dollar was dead as to me, though when I was in that country they were moving in it. 3. Sometime I thought I would wait to fee how the Lord would helpme inmy trials for Simprin; and I thoughtI would take it as clearing my call thereto, if I were helped and enlarged in them ; and contrariwife. But in ftudying my exercife and ad- dition, Aug. 17. I was ftraitened, and was very much difcou- raged through that ftraitening : and behold this very tiraitening (reflebting on it afterwards) feemed to me to clear my call toSim- prin ; if I were at ail tó be aminifter, that I ihoukf be minifterof Simprin, for thereby Ifawmuch of my own emptinefs. This had a convincing impreflion on my heart; wherefore I thought I was called of God to join with that people ; and the fente of the command of God urged me, otherwife unwilling, to it. Nota. As to that averfion I had to fettle in Simprin, Thave oft. times tince thought it was no difadvantage to me ; in regard it was far more eafy tome to difcern the light of the Lord, and what moved me to accept that,charge, when it crofléd my incli nations, than it would have been, had they gone botti one way. In that cafe it had been more difficult for me to have known which of them 1 followed. It has been oft-times fupporting to me. On the ;nth I. received a letter front my friend, fuch as became