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109g. MR THOMAS BOSTON.' fully defined it. Thinking further on this of my lot at Simprin, I found that it did run almoft parallel with atfurance of my in- tereft in Chrift, which at this time was much (haken with the . laft dream. This fent me to God again, whereaain I appealed to the omnifcience of God as to my fincerity. And afterwards I began to examine myfelf. My trial by the dream was, that I was but a hypocrite, and would continue lb. Being left alone, I went to prayer ; and was helped to plead and claim an intereft in Chrift, come of me what will, refolving to do it ; though de- vils thould combine to tear me from it, I íliould through his ftrength hold the gripe. That word, 'If. 1. 10. " Who is a- " mong you that feareth the Lord," &c. was comfortable in prayer ; and I forçed myfelf as it were to believe, that I fhould yet praife him, pleading that promife, John xiv. 18. " I will not leave you comfortlefs; I will come to you." So exa- mining myfelf; I can fay, 1. I am poor in fpirit, I have no righteoufitefs ofmy own ; "and if I'get not a borrowed righteouf- nefs, I fee I will perilh and I count all my own righteoufnefs as filthy rags, lots and dung ; (2. I hunger and thirft after bothan imputed righteoufnefs and the righteoufnefs of a holy life, Lord, thou knoweft ; 3. Chrift is precious to me ; I have none inhea- venbut thee, and there is none on earth that I delire befides thee ; and 1 would willinglyquit all for Chrift ; 4. That was fupport- ing to me in prayer, ":He will give the Spirit to them that alk " him ;" 1 have done it, and do it; and the Spirit of Sanetifica-. tion is the delight of my foul ; 5. My heart approvesof and loves the law of God, even when it ftrikes againft thofe corruptions I am naturally molt inclined to ; 6. 1 have received him, and am willing to receive him, in all his offices. Lord, thou knoweft I fpeak as I think, and my confcience bears me witnefs : therefore I am a child ofGod in defpite of Satan ; and I will not quit m former experiences, nor fay that all were dèlufions ; and what- ever come of me, I will venture myfelf on Chrift. Afterwards in prayer I was refolute ; I would not quit my claim to him, which made me fpeak boldly, and that fo as is not ordinary with -me. Let the Lord do with me as he will. It was he that fáid to me on the 31ft of January laft, " I have loved thee with aft " everlalting love," and had " therefore with loving-kindnefs " drawn me ;" and I will abide by it. He may give his com- forts when he pleafeth ; no wonder I want them. And now I am content with my lot, and believe f will get the things that fought this'day ; for he (hall be myGod while I live ; and hehas faid, " All things whatfoever ye thall a(k in prayer, believing, " ye (hall receive;" Matth. xxi. W. For the fifth, Mie. vii. 19. "° He will fubdue our iniquities ;" and for the laft, Mal..iv. . " Unto you that fear my name, (hall the Sun of righteoufnels a- " rife with healing inhis wings ; and ye fhall go forth and grow " up as calves of the ftall." Hof. xiv. 7. " They that dwell " under his fhadow (hall return, they thrill revive as the corne,"