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Ìá MEMOIRS OP PERIOD VI. &c. And I refojved to hold by his word, -which he neither would nor could deny. And now I mutt fay from my experience, that " there failed not ought of thofe good things which the " Lord had fpoken : all came to pal's." Iam glad to find, that I had marked in the memoirs of that day, as above interted, that I really believed I would get the things I fought that day. To- ward the evening, being fomewhat faint, I doled the work with tinging Pad. xlii. 5. " O why art thou caft down, my foul," &c. to the end, and prayer ; and my heart was ftreng'thened and encouraged in the Lord. And fo I took a refrefhment. There- after I found an inclination to preach on the forefaid words; Pfàl. xlii. 5. the following Lord's day, moftly on my own account. Nota. 1. I think God fent all this to (hake me out of myfelf, to ttrike at the root of my corruption with refpect to my fettlement, and to make me glad to creep into Simprin. f-2. I am Pure God gave me in Siinprin the molt of the things above recorded, and though I am now, at the writing hereof, removed from it, I will ever remember it as a field which the Lord blef£éd. On the morrow, going to God for a text, laid open to the divine determination, I was determined to the text aforefaid, even as I was determined to, and confirmed in that of Feb. 5. narrated above, p. 5l.: and as after my ftudies thereon, in which the Lord helped me, i I was concerned for a bledng on it, not only for the people, but for myfelf; fo in my meditating thereon next day, I found advantage to my own foul ; as alfo in the delivering it on thSabbath, Sept. 17. and tinging that after fer- mons. Pial. xiii. 6. " Thee therefore mind I will," &c. my foul was raifed in hopes of the Lord's return to me as at fome other times offenfible manifeftations, and the unchangeablenefs of God was fiveet to me. But after fermons, in converfe, (peaking of the godly people in Ciackmannan, and the paucity of fuch here, a fit of difeouragement feized me, where I tàw how, after I had been preaching agaiuft it, I was overtaken with it. But that word is helpful, " When I fent you, lacked ye any thing?" and that John xiv. IS. " I will not leave you comfortlefs ; " I will come to you." O I find it a difficult thing to be really religious. I preached it in Langton, having procured the minitter of that place to preach in Simprin that day, being the Sabbath im- mediately preceding my ordination ; and upon that day's work, 1 find I had the following refle&ion. ' What good this preach- ' ing hath done to others, I know not ; yet I think myfelfam not the worfe of it: O ! that it were written in my heart, as it is in my book ?' On'the Monday I went to Simprin, and found, that Langton had ordered a decent entertainment for the minifters at the ordi- nation, which I was almolt hopelefs of. On the morrow I went toan ordination, where I law the candidate anfwered thequeftions by a nod or bowing of the head; which I wifhednot to imitate. From thence I went to Berwick i and having !lighted art, Chum-