Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

The' Author's Addrfi to his Children. °ro JOHN, JANE, ALISON, and THOMAS BosTows. MY DEAR CHILDREN, IAPPREHEND, that by the time it is defigned, under the condua of all-difpofing Providence, this Ihould come into your hands, ye may be defirous to know your father's manner of life, beyond what ye faw with your eyes : and it is very pleafing to me, that, as to that point, I am capable, in fomemeafure, to fatisfy you, by means of twomanufcripts, which I leave unto you, committing them to the Lord my God for prefervation, and a bleffing on them. The one is a bound book in quarto, intitled, Pafages of my Life, at writing hereof, confifting of three hundred and fixty-two written pages, beginning from my birth, ending October 19. 1730, and figned *. I was not arrived at twentyyears of age, when, without a prompter, fo far as I know, I began colleting of thefe paífages, for my own foul's benefit : and they, being carried on, have often fince that time been of ufe to me. For which caufe Irecommend the like praaice to you; remembering the promife, Pfal. cvii. 43. " Whofo is wife, and will obferve thofe things, even they íhall underfand the loving-kindnefs of the Lord." The other is . the following general account of my life, at writing hereof, confifling of two hundred and feventy-nine written pages f, beginning frommy birth, ending Odeber * The author, before his death, added force pages more. f In the years 1730 and 1 731 the author added a good many pages more. The first MS, conflits in whole of 371 nages, ar}d the latter of 332.