Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

1699. MR THOMAS BOSTON. $5 built on that right, at that time not appearing to me neither. And though afterwards, in procefs of time, the laid right did con- vincingly appear to me ; yet I could never be fatisfied as to bap- tifin's féaling of it, fo as that ordinance might therefore be law- fully adminiftered to all who with us are called ,members of the Vifible church ; forafrnuch as I look on that facratnent as a teal of the benefits of the covenant in poffeffion, and which the party has a fpecial faving intereft in. However, I reckon that worthy Than one of the happy inttruments of thebreaking forth ofa more clear difeovery of the do&rine of the gofpel, in this church, in thefe latter days thereof. Returning on the Saturday to Ferrytown, my fpirit through grace being in good condition, I preached at Clackmannanon the Lord's day. At Ferrytown I was called to vifit a Fick man, whoni I knew to have been a very profligate perfon, but found ftored with a great deal of ill-grounded confidence. I applied myfelf to bring him to a fenfe of his fin and danger ; but faw no fuccefs thereof. That week 1 returned from that country to my charge. From thence, on the Tdaay after, being Nov. 22. I went to Langton, and on the morrow to Dunfe; found worldy bufi- nefs very uneafy to me, and enfnaring to my mind ; and fo it hath been with me all along, havingneither heart nor hand for it. On the Thurfday I went to Lennet, and marrieda couple of perfons ; in which a&ion, relying on the Lord, I. found I was helped accordingly. Thereafter, meeting with Abbay above mentioned, his foolifh talking afforded me heavy refle&ions, on the unedifying converfe of minifters, and my own aniong others, as one great caufe of the unfuccefsfulnefs of the gofpel. From thence I came to Kerfefield, where on the morrow I found a dif- fatisfa&ion with myfelf, for that I was not more ftrong in the Lord, but eafily brought, on the leatt` temptation; to difirufî God. I continued there till the Sabbath morning that I came to Simprin, where the Lord was with me in my work. On the 25th I had gone to prayer, in which I found palpably on my heart the blowings of the Spirit, loofing my bands, and enlarging my heart with ardent delires after Chrift ; and thefe two days Thy mind has been habitually difpofed to fpiritual difcourfé, not finding other difcourfe pleafing to me. But on the morrow, be- ing the Lord's day, I found matters were not right, which was occafioned by my unwatchfulnefs, having ventured too far on ground flippery to me; wherein though I kept my feet a while, yet I flipt at length. My heart not being lively before, became more dead, with unfeafonable thoughts, or rather fancies. The confederation of which did empty me of myfelf, and made me . fee it would not be pöor I that would work the Lord's work. Yet it pleated the Lord to help me wellall this day, from the lé&ure forwards for I le&ured with a good frame; having light, life, fenfe, and heart- fatisfa&ion ; and had more than ordinary help No. Q. I,