Boston - BT155 B677 1755

Conditionary Pari, &c. 1:07 ceiveth that _gift, and makes the fame his only plea · before the Lord, cannot mifs of falvation. Rom. v. · Il. ' They which receive (Gr; the) abundance of grace, and of the Gift of righteoufi1efs, fuall reign in life, by one, Jefus Chrift.' Where the abundanc~ mentioned · relates, not to cliffer_ent degrees of the grace or gift; btH to the offence, as.appears fi·om ver• .26 . . as if he had faid, ' \Vho receive the grace and gift of righteoufi1efs, which abound beyond Adam's offence, faving them out of the gulfof ruin, it plung'd them into.' Faith uniting a fin~er to Chrifi the Head of the fecond covenant, makes him partaker of Ghrifi's righteoufi1ef..,, as -really, as ever his covenant-relation .to Adam made him partaker of hi,s guilt : fo, having , all that Chrifi was, did, or fuffered, for fulfilling the ' condition of the fecond covenant, to plead for life and f~lvation; it is not ·poHible the claim can mifcar– ry jufiice, as well as mercy, befriending the plea o,f faith, as a righteous thing 'w.ith God, 2 ~·heJJ: i. 6) 7. In f. Lafl. All who are iq ·chrifi the Head of the covena·nt of grace, and fo brought into it perfonally, are inherently righteous, or holy. For, likeas tho' Adam alone did perfonal1y break the firfi covenant ·by the all-ruinipg offence ; yet they to whom his guilt is imputed, do thereupon become inherently finful, through the corruptio~ of nature conveyed to them from .him: fo, ho'wbeit Chrifi alone .did per- , .. form the condition of t'he fecond covenant 1 yef thefe to whom his righteoujnefs is imputed, do t-hereupoa become inherently righteous, through inherent grace , communic~ted to them, from him, by the Spirit: fo te~cheth the Apofile, in the forecited paililge, Rom. v. 17. ' For if by one man's offence, death reigned by one, much more they which receive the· abund~nce of. grace, and of the gift of righteouf.i1ds, fuall reign . in)ife by one, Jefus Chril1:.' How did death reign by Adam's offence r Not only, in point of guilt, whereby his pofl:eritywere boundover toddlrut'tron ~ but alfo in point