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t 50 tJhe Promi.fe ofa pe purchafed ,our reconciliation, which was promifed on rbefe terms. Now, the promife is acco~pliihed to the jufiified finner: bein'g pardoned, he is brought into a fiate of peace ·with God, as faith the Apofile, Rom. v. r. ~ Being juO:ified by faith, we have peace wit$ God, God lays down his legal enmity againfi: 1 him, never to be takeq up again. And more than that, he takes him into a bond of frien~ihip; fo that, he is not ~nly at peace with God, but is the friend of God, j<Jmes ii. 23. ·~ Abraham believed God, and it was imputed ,unto him for righteoufnefs : and he wa~ ~alled the friend of God.' · · · · · This promife is grafted upon the promife of accep- · tance and jufiification made to Chrifi:. For his facri· _fice being accepted, ·as well-pleafing to God, and he ~lifcharged ofthe debt ,he b~came s~·rety for; the re· conciliation, as well as 'the pardon, of thefe united to, him, bjY f:1ith, r1atively follows thereupon, 2 Cor. v. 19. ' God was in Chrifi reconciling the \\:prld unto himfelt; not imputing their trefpaffes u.nto them.' Eph. i. 6. " He hatli made us accepted in the Beloved/ Verfe 7. ' In who~ we have redemption through hi! ~lood, the forgivenefs of fins.~ · S,econdly, Another branch of this promile, is, the promife of their adoption into the f.:'lmily ofGod, Hof. .i. IO; : ' It ihall be G1id unto them; Ye are the fons of th,e living God.' And thi~ is more than the former; ·as,it is ri1ore to be one's fon, than to be his friend. We l1ave before declared, how all mankind was, ·by the firfi covenant~ confiitute/Go/d's hired fervants; 'and by the breach of: that covenant, bon.d-Jervants under the curie: and how Chrifl: trJrisferred that {ta(e of fervi• tude ofhisfpiritual feed,m1 himfelf: Now, upon con– tlJei·atiob of his_ taking on him the form of a bond.– fervant for then;t, the promife of their adoption into the family of ·God, ' yas 11;1ade. He was 'n1;Jde un- · der the la\vJ to redeem them that were under the law, ; ...... . '" - .. ' · · · that