156 The PrtJmifo of Sanllification. · ·works, as the apofile himfelf explains it, Eph. ii. ro.' And as in regeneration, taken firiClJy for the quick– ning of the dead foul, and called the firfi regenerati~ on, new vital powers are giv~n ;· f0 in regeneration~ t aken largely for the forfl:ling of the new creature in aU its parts and difiinct meml:>ers., which 'is called theft· ..J.'ond regeneratidn, there are new qualitie.s and habits of grace infufed; and it is the fame with the fecond renhving, mentioned ia.our ilio,rter catechiffi}, qn the head of iJnctification, ' Whereby we are renewed in the whole man, after the image of God: ·. T .he matter liei here: · the finn er being 'by faith U· i1ite.d to Chrifi through the communication of the quickning Spirit fi·om Chrifi unto him; and thereu· · 'ponjufiified, recorici1ed, adopted, and made an heir of God ; there is a meafure ofevery grace; even the feeds of all raving graces, derived from, and cornmuqicated ' out of, the All ·fulh)ds of grace in the man Chrijl the Head, onto the fim1eF as a inember of his, by the fame Spirit dwelling. in the head and members. Hereby the man is not only a lpiritually living creature, but an all new creature, fanctified wholly -or throughout, renewed in the whG1e1 man, after the image of God; For the immediate effect of that communicatioil of , g,race from Chrifi, muft be the fealing of the perfon, with the image of Chrifi: fotafmuch as he ·receives grace fot grace in s=;hrifi, as the wax cloth point for point in the feal. So that the refl:ored image of God . ' is exprelfed on us, immediately from Chr.ifl the fecond · Adam, who is the image of the invifible God .: even as Eve was made after God's image; being made after .Adam"f3, according to Gen. ii. 28. 1 will ma·ke him an help meet fir. him ; 1\farg. As. before him, that is, in his own likenefs, as if be fet for the picture. Compare 1 Cor. xi. 7. He (to wit, the' man} is the image and glory ofGod, but the ·woman is the glory of tht man; Ver. 8. For the man is n~t of the weman, but the wo"' :man '()f the mafJ, And ~ Cor. viii. 23· Our brethren · arl ' 1